Chapter One

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Hi guys, so... This is probably going to be awful given the fact that this is my first wattpad story, but also since I haven't written in ages. Gosh. I'm sorry if this is absolutely atrocious, but whatever. Without further ado, I present to you-- Hidden Truths.
Damon's POV
Beep. Beep. Beep. Beep. B-
Finally the fucker shuts up, I thought, as I slammed my hand down on the alarm. After getting out of bed, and tripping over every possible thing in my room, I finally made it to the bathroom. Once there, I brushed my teeth and combed through my hair, making myself somewhat presentable. As I changed into my black jeans, grey shirt, and grey vans, I thought to myself, Another day in hell.

Making my way downstairs with City of Heavenly Fire in my hand, I grabbed my backpack and left, not bothering to say anything to my father.

My dad and I don't have to best relationship. Ever since mom left, it's been hell. She walked out on us when I was 10. When she left us, my dad couldn't handle it. He was constantly working, and never really had time to raise me. But on top of that he couldn't fathom a life without her, and he developed a drinking habit. That led into the loss of his job as the CEO of one of New York's most successful companies. After that, well, we spiraled heavily downhill; we almost lost our house. But thankfully he quit drinking, and got a new job. Even though he got himself back on track, I still refused to socialize with him. He tried, and tried to get me to at least acknowledge him, but I had lost all respect for him, and we haven't talked since.


Finally arriving at school, I stepped off the bus and headed to my usual spot with Skylar, my best friend.

"Hey, Damon." She greeted, as I walked up to her.

"Hey," I replied, smiling at her.

"So, are you going to Alyx's party tonight?"

"Uh, yeah. I think so, why?" I asked.

"Oh... I don't know... Just wondering I guess.." She said, blushing.

Sky's always had a crush on me. I've known since about the 7th grade; the year after I met her. But, I see her as a younger sister, and I couldn't see myself dating her; it would be weird. She's a great person, she's extremely nice, funny, and honestly, she could get any guy here at Rosemont High. She has gorgeous emerald green eyes, and extremely perfect long, blonde hair. Although she isn't the schools "top-dog", like Krystal Summers, she's way beyond the likes of her in regards to personality. Speak of the devil, I thought, looking in the direction of Krystal.

She was walking walking across the courtyard with her snobby friends, gossiping. What a shocker, I thought to myself. She was wearing skinny jeans, ankle boots, and a sweater; the typical "queen bee" outfit. But, even though she's a bitch, she's gorgeous. She has long, dark brown hair and piercing blue eyes. And honestly, any guy would be lucky to have her.

"Damon. Did you hear me?" Sky said, waving her hand in front of my face.

"Huh? What? Sorry..." I replied, looking down at my feet.

"I asked if you wanted to head to class? The bell's going to ring in a few minutes."

"Oh. Yeah sure." I said, following Sky into the school.


After stopping by my locker to grab my Canon camera and a few of my textbooks, I headed to the first class I had -- Photography. After taking my seat in the very back, right hand corner, I began to pull out my pencil and camera, preparing for class.

"Oh my god. I know, Krystal. And that's what I told him. I told him to suck it up, because I wasn't going to have sex with him on the first date. Like, umm no. I'll have sex with him tonight probably, because I'll be prepared, but just ugh. He expects so much..." Allison, Krystal's best friend said, looking up from her phone.

Looking up from my camera, I couldn't help but laugh a little after hearing that. What a snob, I thought, looking between Allison and Krystal.

"What are you looking at, nerd? Mind your own fucking business." Allison said, glaring at me.

"Well, maybe if you'd stop fucking every guy you can get to drop their pants, you wouldn't be so uptight." I replied, coolly.

"Oh you think you're so funny. At least I have a boyfriend, unlike your girlfriend-less self."

At that, I just let her gloat. I couldn't care less if she could get a boyfriend, that was her problem. I was perfectly fine without a girlfriend, that was the least of my concerns.

"Ms. Valdier, please be seated. We're starting class," Mrs. Green said, sighing. "Alright, thank you. Today, we're staring a project. This will last approximately two weeks, since I want for you guys to take your time.

"This project will require you to work in pairs, with another student. Together you will be required to photograph objects of your choice, that fit a theme. Each group will have a different theme, and with the photographs that you take, you will make a collage. Simple enough?" The class nodded in response.

"Okay good. I will be choosing your partners." She then began naming off the pairs of students working together. "...... Jessica and Taylor. Sam and Ricky. And Krystal and Damon. Did I get everyone? Good. Get to work, I'll come around with your themes momentarily." Oh God. You've got to be kidding me. Of all of the people in here, her?

At that, I began to gather my things and move over to where Krystal was sitting. Tossing my stuff down on the floor, I took the seat right across from her at the table. She didn't even bother to look up from her phone. This is going to be the longest two weeks of my life, I thought to myself.

"Okay guys, I'm going to assign you with the theme of nature, pretty straight forward, yeah?" Mrs. Green said, once she made it to our table.

I nodded in agreement, smiling at her. "Yes. That's great. Thank you." Krystal still hadn't bothered to look up from her phone, so I tried to talk to her. "So... Are we going to talk at all, ever? Or are you just going to text, and ignore my existence..?" I asked.

"I prefer the latter," she replied, glancing up at me with piercing blue eyes. "But I guess, I'll choose to be friendly."

I smirked at her, glad that I got her to look up. "Good, because I'd like to get something done."

At that, she looked up completely, turning off her phone. "Is that so?"

Well, there's the first chapter. Hopefully it wasn't too tragic... Ahh I don't know. I've looked over it like 100000 times but that doesn't mean much. Anyways, if you enjoyed it, go ahead and comment, share, and vote. I would really appreciate it. Thank you for reading Chapter 1. I will start the writing process for the next chapter very soon.  Also, if anyone would like to make a new cover for this story, I would be very appreciative! Thanks once again for reading!! ^-^

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