Chapter Two

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Damon's POV
Once school was over, I went home to change for Alyx's party. Honestly, I was dreading it. I wasn't much of a party person, and I liked to keep to myself and stay at home. But if going makes Sky happy, that's what I'll do.

Arriving home, I immediately went upstairs, and changed into my blue and grey button up, and black vans. Okay, I'm all set. Now I just have to wait for Sky to get here, I thought. While waiting, I decided to backup my pictures from my camera to my laptop, so that I would have more space on it. After turning on my laptop and plugging in the camera, I began to transfer all of my photos.

Just then, my phone began to ring, blaring "Lock Me Up" by The Cab.

"Hello?" I asked.

"Hey Damon, I'm here." Sky replied.

"Oh alright. I'll be down in a second."

"Alright. Bye," She said, hanging up.

After putting my phone back into my pocket, I closed my laptop, and made my way downstairs. My dad wasn't home, so I could leave easily. Normally, whenever he's home and I go out, he begins to ask questions. Granted he should, since he's my father. But, it's annoying; it's not like I'm going to answer any of his questions, and he knows that.

Once I made it out of the house, I locked the door, and headed to Sky's car.

"Hey," I greeted, as I got into her car.

"Hey hey. Ready?" She asked, in response.

"Yep," let's get going.

About 15 minutes later, we arrived at Alyx's house. It was a huge, pristine mansion, in a ritzy neighborhood. It was kind of a dumb place to hold a party if you ask me, chances are, the party's going to be shut down due to noise complaints.

"You coming?" Sky asked me, looking at me from her position outside of the car.

"Oh, yeah. Sorry. Got distracted," I replied, getting out of the car.

"Okay let's go." She said, linking her left arm with my right.

Once inside, I was hit with the overwhelming stench of alcohol. Typical, I thought. I was still linked onto Sky's arm, and she was leading me right to the kitchen, which meant she was probably going to drink. Great, I'm probably going to have to drive us home, ugh.

"Damon... I can tell you're tense. Let loose a bit! We're at a high school party, and it's not everyday that we get to go to these things! You should go out there and find yourself a girl to party with or something. And don't worry, just because I'm drinking a few beers doesn't mean I'm going to get wasted and not be able to drive home! So relax some, and come dance with me." She said, looking up at me, smiling.

After a few minutes of thinking on it, I gave up. I never get to 'let loose' like she says, why not relax for one night. "Oh, what the hell. Let's dance!" I replied, grabbing a beer and looping an arm around her waist.

"That's the spirit! It's been years since you've opened up like this, you should do it more!" She said, leading me to the loud, makeshift dance floor.


A few hours had passed, and it was almost 11:00 pm. Sky was nowhere to be found, and I was trashed. I think I was on my eighth beer, I really didn't know. But I did know that I probably needed to find Sky, so I set out to find her. Maybe she was in the kitchen, I thought, as I headed there.

I had now searched every place in the house, and there was still no sign of Skylar. Shit, I need to find her. There's no way she would've left without me. This is so strange.

"Looking for something?" A voice asked from behind me.

"Uh, yeah, actually. Have you seen Skylar Montgomery?" I replied, turning around. Krystal. Damn, this is even worse. I really don't want to talk to her right now.

"Yeah, I have. She was heading outside with some guy. But why do you care?" She asked, sipping her beer.

"She's kind of my ride, but I guess it doesn't really matter now." I said, admiring her perfect figure underneath her skin tight, revealing dress. Snap out of it Damon. Stop checking her out. She's out of your league. You don't even fucking like her.

"Like what you see?" She asked, moving closer and running her hand down my chest, seductively.

This caused my breath to catch, "N-no.." I replied.

"Oh whatever, I know you were looking at me. I probably make you horny, don't I? That's a dumb question, of course I do. I make every guy horny." She said smirking.

I was speechless, this was not what I expected. Dammit, I really need to find Sky, and get the hell out of here. There's no way in hell that Krystal's seriously doing this. She's drunk. Yeah. That's it.

"I don't normally do this to guys like you, but this is too fun." She was now behind me, whispering into my ear, with her hands creeping up my chest from under my shirt.

This was going too far, I had to stop her. As I turned around, her lips crashed against mine. At this, my eyes widened in shock, and I froze. Krystal Summers, the Krystal Summers was kissing me. Holy shit, I thought. I needed to stop her, but I couldn't make myself do it. Instead, I found my self being drawn towards her, my lips parting and moving in sync with hers. Her tongue was beginning to dominate my mouth and that lead me to pull her closer; our bodies flush against each other. It's been a while since I've kissed anyone, and damn did it feel good. I was ashamed to admit, I wanted more.

But of course, she pulled away and leaned her head on mine, leaving both of us breathless. We stayed like that for a few more minutes, before she spoke.

"S-sorry.. I shouldn't have done that, that was my fault; I-I'm drunk and I'm normally not like that. God, I'm so sorry." Krystal whispered, her breath hitting my lips. This was so strange, she wasn't being a bitch. She was being... Sincere.

"I-it's okay. We'll forget this even happened, yeah?" I replied, searching her blue eyes.

"Y-Yeah... That sounds good..."


Hey guys, I hope that chapter was decent. Honestly I wasn't really planning on doing that with Krystal, but once I thought of it... I just went with it. Also, sorry for the shorter chapter... So, thanks for reading this chapter! I'd really love it if you guys would vote, comment, and share this story. It would mean so much to me, and I hope all of you who celebrate Christmas have a wonderful rest of your Christmas Eve and a wonderful Christmas tomorrow!! I also want to say that I will most likely update within the next couple of days! ^-^

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