Beach Date pt. 2

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Chandler has the most beautiful smile. After a while of lustful staring he leads me to a cabana with a picnic type area seat up with an assortment of food. "I'm starving, let's eat" said Chandler as he sits down and starts grabbing food.
It's cute to know how hard he try's to show how much he likes/ loves me. After we both finish eating we both decide to go take a dip it no the beautiful ocean. "The waters so clear, I can see fish swimming around us!" I say to Chandler. He chuckles and just smiles at me, while he submerged himself fully in the water. His hair looks nice when it's wet.
(So does his dick to probably, oops #sorrynotsorry)
He swims towards me, wraps his arms around my waist and pulls me in for a kiss! His lips tasted like salt since we were swimming in the ocean but it didn't bother me. Then he say "I'm sorry," then throws me into the water.. As soon as I return to the surface to continue to splash him until he apologizes. I say "I love you" as I slowly start to walk out of the ocean.
I know he's staring at me so I shake what my momma gave me just to give him a little show lol.
About 5 minutes later he to come out of the water, drys of and lays with me on the towel.
It's getting close to dark so the stars are starting to appear and we start to point out the patterns we see like the Big Dipper, Little Dipper and other constellations!
For about 2 hours we sit their and just laugh for no reason.. I never knew someone could make me this happy.. But now I do!

About 9ish we both decide it's time to go hes starting to walk me home when I announce "I wish this day could never end" Chandler looks at me with that look of lust and says "me too."

He kisses me when he drops me off at my house and says "wanna hang out tomorrow?" "Of course" I tell him

"See you tomorrow!" Chandler says as he walking down the street to his house a few houses down. I wave until he turns around, I wait till I make sure he makes it to his house before I enter my own.

• Sorry for the delay on this chapter!! 😁 hopefully I can post more since I'm on winter break! 🙌🏼
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• message me anytime and/ or to recommend ideas and such! 💁🏼

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