Found: 5 years later

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It has been five years of suffering and Julie has turned into a beautiful girl. She looks just like mom. I on the other hand lost all my baby weight and now I have muscles. I look like my dad according to my sister. After the first year of almost starving to death I learned how to hunt a whole lot better and I also started creating traps. The woods in Colorado are endless and we haven't crosses civilization in a long time. I was just finished cooking two fishes that I caught in the river when I heard Julie scream. She usually never talks so of course I take that as a sign that there is danger. I quickly get up and I see Julie crying. I kneel down in front of her and hold her soothing her.

"Julie whats wrong?" I ask.

She hold up her hand and explain that she is bleeding in the lady compartment. I sigh and I knew this was going to happen sooner or later. Before the accident I was in 6th grade and they taught us about the male and female body. I started wondering when Julie was going to start her first period. I clean her hands and I explain to Julie what is happening and it doesn't feel awkward like I expected. I just felt like a parent. I then come to the realization that it is time for us to be found.

"Julie," I say wearily, "Its time."

Julie nods her head knowing that it means we have to found. I quickly climb one of the numerous trees and once I get to the top I am happy to know that their is a small cabin lit up a mile or two away. While I was up I start getting anxious because I don't know if the man lives there but then again he wouldn't know what we look like because we look so different now. I get down and get to the slightly burnt food and I hand my sister a fish and I begin eating my fish. Once we pack up the very little food we have and begin walking towards the cabin.

Once we get there we observe the house at a reasonable distance and observe. From what I see it is a couple in their 40s. They look happy. I nod at Julie and we both start walking towards the house. I knock on the door and I hear movement from the other side. The door slowly opens and its the man who opens the door. I look down and put my arms around Julie in a protective manner.

"Yes?" the man questions.

I clear my throat and say "My name is Marcus Brewer and this is my sister Julie. We need your help." once I finish talking I feel my pride go down a notch.

"Come in," the man says wearily and I think it is because of me. Once we get inside I relax and the man who I later figured out is called Charles tells us to sit down. His wife, Miranda, looks at us and smile. Miranda tells her husband to go away and that she will talk to us. I then explain to her some of our situation including the problem with Julie. Miranda understands and tells Julie to take a shower. She shows Julie where it is at and comes back and faces me.

"Soo tell me the real reason why you are here." Miranda states looking at me with a pointed glare. My shoulders slump and I look at Miranda in the eye.

"My parents were killed 5 years ago and I ran off with Julie trying to protect her. I was 12 at the time and Julie was 8. We were so scared that the murderer was going to find us that we stayed in the woods. I knew that sooner or later Julie would get to that age where she would be a woman and I can't help her in that area so I told myself that once Julie did I would make us be found. And here we are." I said with a ting of sadness in my voice.

Miranda nodded her head and we heard the shower turn off. She quickly got up and went to another room. She then came out with some clothing and handed it to Julie she then gave her something else and explained how to use it. I tried not to pay attention.

Miranda then went into the kitchen and left me alone in the living room. I heard her talking to her husband and I ignored it not wanting to be caught listening. Julie then came out and she looked clean and she felt refreshed. She smiled and went towards me and right when she was going to hug me I hear Miranda "Julie don't hug that filthy boy wait until he finishes his shower."

I got up and headed to the bathroom. I looked in the mirror and I looked like a man and it scared me at first. I touched my face and to my surprise it was my face. I turned on the water and waited till it got to the right temperature. I then hear a knock on the door and I open it to see Charles. He comes in, because I am still dresses and he hands me a razor so I can shave my beard/mustache. I thank him once he leaves and hop into the shower and my god did it feel good. I feel all my muscles relax and I wash my hair and clean my body. When I get out I'm surprised to see clothes on the toilet with a deodorant and some cream to put on myface for when I shave. I put on the underwear I was given and pants and I shave. I of course cut my self a billion times. Once I finish I look in the mirror and I look different. I look like dad. I touch the mirror and look away. I put on the t-shirt and walk out smiling. I am happy to see that when I walk out Julie is laughing and eating with Miranda and Charles. Everything at this moment feels perfect but I know Julie and I will have to get sent away soon.


SO I updates again. I don't know where this story is going but hopefully the right direction. Comment, Vote, and Follow me (: I hope you like.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 29, 2013 ⏰

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