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So, I realized that my story was a little too rushed, so I decided to add in a part. This is going to be a little bit about Crystal's past. Also, I hope you enjoy.

Crystal's POV (Before getting captured)
         As I mentioned earlier, my name is Crystal Jimenez. I love spending most of my time with my half-sister, Annabeth, at Camp Half-Blood.

          I remember when I first arrived here and I was claimed.

         I was running toward Camp Half-Blood with my satyr following me from behind. My satyr was named Mitch and he was protecting me from a pack of hellhounds and empousai. I was sprinting as fast as I could but, the monsters were gaining on us quickly. As I was looking back at the monsters, I was too distracted to notice a tree's huge roots in front of me. I realized when it was too late as I ran into the tree's roots and twisted my leg as I fell. I cried out in pain and I wanted to beat myself up for being so dumb. My brave satyr had to stop because of me and he turned back to face the creatures. I painfully managed to push myself up after trying for a few minutes and I looked at my satyr with hope evident in my gray eyes. He was winning the battle so far and I knew we would make it together. I slowly walked towards him as best I could despite the incredible pain I felt in my leg and I managed to get to him. I helped him battle the hellhounds and empousai and as we were about to finish killing the last ones, I was too busy slashing my sword at an empousai to notice a hellhound sneak up on me. As it lunged at me, I felt Mitch roughly push me out of the way and I landed hard on the ground with a sickening crunch. I turned my head to see the most horrifying thing in my life. I saw as the hellhound.... you know what, it was too horrifying and gruesome to describe and each time I remember this moment, I cry for several hours. Anyways, after it finished.... killing.... Mitch.... the hellhound lunged at me again as I laid on the ground but, I swiftly grabbed my sword which lay two inches away from me, and slashed the hellhound in half with so much hatred. I wanted to kill anything in my path but, I sadly noticed that there were no more filthy creatures. I could barely move because of the pain I felt throughout my body. My leg was still twisted and I think I broke a few bones when I roughly landed after flying. I lay on the ground for a few hours, devastated about Mitch's death, as I cried my eyes out. He was the only friend I had and now he's gone. I have no one anymore. My dad died before I was even born. I have never met my mom in my entire life. I had no siblings and I was a depressed orphan. Each day, I would pray for someone to help me, love me, and care for me. When I met Mitch at my school for the first time, he was really friendly and I warmed up to him. I was so joyful and happy that I finally had someone that cared about me. He would always be there for me in times of need and he would make sure I was always okay. One day, he revealed to me that he was a satyr and that I was a demigod and I was pretty surprised at first. I didn't believe him at all until he showed me his furry goat legs. As time passed, more monsters came after me until Mitch decided to take me to Camp Half-Blood. He explained to me about how it was a camp for Greek demigods and that he would take me there immediately before something horrible happened to me. Unfortunately, he died and now I'm a lonely, depressed demigod with no dad and a mom that is a goddess who doesn't even bother to show up in my life. I cleared my thoughts and decided to crawl and drag myself to the camp's border. After an hour of crawling and dragging, I reached the camp's border and immediately yelled for help. A camper was immediately by my side as she helped drag me somewhere.

         "Where are we going?" I asked her.

         "The camp infirmary. I'm going to call Will to come heal you, okay?" she said as I nodded my head. She helped me lay down on a comfy "bed" and left the room. A few minutes later, she came back with a dude who I assumed was Will.

         "I'm going to heal you, okay? Don't worry about anything. Just relax." he said as he raised his hands over my body and I felt my bones mending. The feeling lasted for a few more minutes until the sensation finally stopped. I felt better than ever.

         "How do you feel?" he asked me.

         "I feel amazing. Thank you! Are you a son of Apollo?" I questioned.

         "Yeah. How could you tell?" he inquired.

         "My satyr taught me about demigods and gods." I answered as my voice cracked. I felt tears well up in my eyes and I saw Will looking at me with sympathy. I knew he could tell that my satyr died because he can see that I really want to cry right now.

         "I'm sorry about your loss." he told me with sadness evident in his voice. I just nodded my head and quickly got up from my bed. I told Will I was fine despite his protests and he finally allowed me to leave the infirmary. The girl camper told me her name was Annabeth and that she was going to give me a tour of the camp. The camp was amazing but, I couldn't stop thinking about Mitch. At the end of the tour, she helped me settle into the Hermes cabin and she told me that I would most likely be claimed by tonight.

——Time Skip——

           It was time for the campfire and I followed the Hermes campers towards the amphitheater. I had a pretty horrible first day at Camp Half-Blood (because of Mitch's death) and the campfire was the only thing I was looking forwards to. Surprisingly, right before it started, everyone gasped as they stared at something above my head. I slowly looked up to see an owl hologram over my head. I heard Chiron say, "All hail Crystal Jimenez, daughter of Athena, goddess of wisdom, crafts, strategies, and warfare."

            After getting claimed by Athena, I moved into the Athena Cabin and met my half-siblings. Annabeth told me that she was glad that I was her half-sister. We spent time together the next couple of weeks and got to know each other better. I met her boyfriend, Percy Jackson, and I enjoyed spending time with him. Life at Camp Half-Blood couldn't get better but, little did I know that my world would soon come crashing down....
——Flashback End——

             I know what you're thinking. You're probably thinking, 'How could Crystal's life somehow get worse?'

             Well, let me tell you something. You have no idea what's coming. My world is about to collapse....

Which story do you like best? The Fear Hunter or this story? Let me know in the comments. I hope you enjoyed! 👍

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