First Date

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Steve Rogers: It's Thursday 6:30 pm and your just finishing getting ready for your date with Steve. Your nervous and excited. You put on a simple red dress and wore a coat since it was a bit cold. You walked outside and locked your apartment when you saw Steve arriving in one of Tony Stark's cars. He parked and got out of the car. "Hey Steve." You said with a smile. "Hi (Y/F/N), you look lovely." He said a bit shyly. You giggled "Thanks, you look nice yourself." You replied walking to the passenger door. Steve came over and opened the door for you before getting in the drivers seat. He drove you to a beautiful restaurant around 20 minutes away. He helped you out and you both walked in. He took you over to a reserved table by the window. You were looking through the menu chatting to Steve and just having a good time. Your food arrived a few minutes after ordering. It smelt great it looked great and tasted great. You were also with a great man. After eating you both walked out to the car and Steve dropped you off at your apartment. He helped you out and you said "Thank you, I enjoyed tonight Steve." He smiled. "I had a good time too." He replied. "See you soon Steve." You said while giving him a small hug. "See you (Y/F/N)." He said while getting in the car and driving off.

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Bruce Banner: Monday, almost 7pm, and you are have just locked your apartment door ready for Bruce. A few minutes of waiting he arrives. He parked up and was about to get out to get the door for you but you had already gotten in. You smirked "You look good, Bruce." You said. He smiled "You look.. g-gorgeous." He stuttered nervously. "Thank you." You said giggling. He started the car again and drove you both to a quiet restaurant. You both sat down in a quiet corner so you and Bruce could be completely alone. Almost. You both are very basic and like routine so it didn't take long to choose what you wanted. Most of the date was a comfortable silence but you did occasionally talk. Before going back to the car the two of you walked around a little outside. When he dropped you off you gave him a hug and said your goodbyes before he drove off.

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Tony Stark: It was time for you to head to the Tower for your date with Tony. You wondered what he had planned, because he said not to wear a dress or skirt, that's why you are wearing jeans. You took the elevator to the top floor and saw Tony, wearing his Iron Man suit. Tony looked over at you with a smile on his face. "You look great, (Y/F/N)!" He said happily. "Thanks, so um, how come your in your Iron Man suit?" You said while blushing. "I'm taking you out to dinner, well, flying you there." He said smirking. You were surprised but very excited. He wrapped an arm around your waist. "Hold on tight." He said before putting his mask down. He flew you both to a nearby moutain over looking the city. When you landed he let his suit fold up into a case. There was a picnic set up. You both sat down looking down at the city while eating and talking. This felt very special to you.

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Clint Barton: Finally it's time to have your date with Clint. He arrived at your place early, luckily you got ready early. You walked out of your apartment and locked it before walking over to Clint's car. "Well don't you look lovely." He said smirking. "Thank you." You said blushing and playing with your necklace. He took you to a restaurant a little way from your apartment. "Great jewelry choice." He said putting an arm around your waist while you both walked into the restaurant. You giggled and sat down at a table. You both talked the whole date. After you both ate and were sitting in the car he handed you a small box. "Open it." He said smiling. You slowly opened the box and saw a gold bracelet with your name engraved on it. You pulled him into a hug "I love it! Thank you so much!" You said happily. He chuckled "I'm glad you like it." He replied. Clint drove you home and planted a kiss on you cheek before driving off.

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Thor: You just finished getting ready when Thor arrived. You walked out and gave him a big hug. "Lady (Y/F/N), you look beautiful!" He boomed happily. "Thank you Thor." You replied smiling. "Are you ready to go to Asgard?" He asked putting an arm around your waist. "Yes I am." You replied holding onto him tightly. He pulled you into his chest and called out to Heimdall to open the bifrost. You held onto Thor tightly and watched in awe at your surroundings. After a few seconds you were on solid ground. You looked up and saw a tall dark skinned man dressed in gold armor smiling. "Welcome to Asgard, I am Heimdall it is nice to meet you." He said. "Nice to meet you to Heimdall." You replied before walking over a rainbow bridge with Thor. You were amazed by this place. Its gold! When you arrived in the palace you met Thor's parents, Odin and Frigga, Loki, Thor's brother, and Sif and the warriors three, Volstagg, Fandral, and Hogun. You had dinner with Thor and spent the night in Asgard.

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Loki: You were ready dead on 6 pm and met Loki by the palace doors. "You look wonderful, my fair maiden." Loki said to you while smirking. You smiled at him "You look good, as always too Loki." He put an arm around your waist and walked with you to a picnic he had set up in the gardens. "This is amazing Loki!" You said happily. "I'm glad you like it, dear." He replied sitting down with you. You both ate while talking. Once all the food was gone you both talked and walked round the gardens. You picked some flowers on the way and gave one to Loki. It was getting late so you both went back to your chambers after saying your goodbyes. "Goodnight, dear." he said before leaving to his room. You gave him a flower just before he walked away. You went back to your own room and put the other flowers in water.

Outfit: (

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