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"Run,RUN!!!" I screamed looking back at Liza and Storm

"We're coming" Liza yelled back just as she tripped

"NO!" I scremed and ran back to her, to help her up, Storm ran up and just pick her up as if she weighed nothing

"RUN RED" storm yelled at me

I turned around and continued to run I felt Storm come up next to me and we ran and ran for what seemed like hours, when I looked back to see the things chasing us were still following,what I saw made me want to throw up.

The things following us were so gross

They had blood on them from head to toe and were hunched over there were three of them,

One of them had horns come out of its body and had sharp teeth which were pulled back in a grin

The second was twice as worst with at least a 30cm claws coming out of it hands like the other one it also had sharp teeth

The last one was worst then all, it had a

stocky build, it was like the other two combined, horns all over its body and claws, when it say me it smiled teeth covered in blood and it talked

"Come Rosé join us" it said, well screeched at me

"Never leave me alone" I scremed back at them, all I got was hisses in return. It felt like hours we ran, after awhile we stopped in this wired meadow, even though we were underground there was a meadow. It was just a grass field with A few butterflies flying about.

"What the hell is THIS!?" Storm said

"I have no idea but I think we're safe" I said back

"Yeah I think your right" he said looking back, I looked back to the monsters were there but it look like there was a invisible force field that was keeping them out.

"This is not the end Rosé, trust me, we will get you!" They all screeched together, glaring at me their eyes turning red. They all backed away and ran off into the darkness.

"Finally their gone" Storm said

"Yeah thank gods" I said, looking down at the limp figure of Liza in his arms.

"What are we going to do with her?" I questioned

"Who knows" he said back chuckling, I giggled. Storm got serious all of a sudden,

"Rosé, look at me" he said, I knew that this was a serious because he only uses my full name unless I am in trouble or something is about to happen, i look up to him to see he had a sad look on his face, he's eyes were going glossy from holding back tears, he puts Liza down softly

"Storm are you ok" I ask putting a hand to his face, he leans into my hand and let's out a breath

"Red, I am so sorry we are going to miss you so much" he said in a whisper

"What do you mean your going to miss me? I'm not going anywhere" I said back in the same level of voice

"Rosé, we will see each other again, and we will be friends just like we are now, baby girl I am so sorry, Liza wanted to be here when this happened but I just wanted it to be us to, it's to dangerous to have you in this world, you are to important to this world, so I have to let you go" he said tears falling from his eyes and mine

"I don't want to go, Storm, I love you, please don't make me go" I said crying, Storm just looked at me a Pained look in his eyes. He brought our heads together and kissed me. It was soft and gentle the perfect kiss not passionate but soft and cute. He pulled back for air

"Now I wish this isn't goodbye, I love you so much, I will see you on the other side but we have to build the relationship back up, love you" he said and before I could do anything or say anything he put a hand on my forehead and everything went black.


So what do you think, sorry for any gramma or spelling mistakes, comment and stuff like that. Until next time my little cookies ⛄

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