A Poem ~ 'The Person'.

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once upon a time there was a person,

the person did no wrong,

the person had a heart of gold,

the person spoke with song.

the person wasn't popular,

the person wasn't rude,

they were an ordinary human,

and got treated the way they should.

a new girl came to school,

the same school as the person,

the new girl wasn't relevant,

until she started to worsen.

once upon a time there was a person,

the person was doing well,

until the person heard the rumours,

the new girl started to tell.

the person was told they were worthless,

and the rumours kept on going,

at first the person put up with it,

until the weakness started showing.

the person was told they were a joke,

the person felt unwanted,

the words the person was hearing,

came back as they were haunted.

the person was told that they were fat,

which was a lie, to be frank.

the person started to believe it,

the person's heart, it sank.

the person was great until that new girl,

that new girl joined the school,

for the rumours she said were what sparked it,

the rumours that were so cruel.

the person tried to keep their head up

but they still felt like a nobody,

they got sadder and sadder every day, 

feeling as though they were falling.

the person got reminded,

of all these awful insults,

after months of keeping up with them,

there was only one result.

the person couldnt handle it,

the person cut their skin,

the person tried to recover but

the person couldn't win.

the person was simply drowning,

the person was dead with their thoughts,

the persons condition got worse but

the person continuously fought.

the person felt like nothing,

they were treated like that too,

the person hated their reflection,

the person didn't know what to do.

the bullying didn't stop,

it was a consistant thing,

but their smile wouldn't show,

what their mind showed within.

the person wore long sleeves,

to cover up their scars,

the scars they made themself,

up their arm so far.

depression had sunk in,

it seemed to mark it's stay,

the person couldn't control it,

the depression wouldn't go away.

nobody knew of this condition,

the person now had,

their family was oblivious as

the person kept up the act.

the person, they told no one,

since they thought they had no one to tell,

they hated everything about themselves,

now nothing was going well.

the person only got worse.

the person wouldn't eat.

the person cut their body

from the shoulders to their feet.

the person kept on suffering.

the person kept on smiling.

the person did nothing to stop it.

because inside the person was crying.

once upon a time there was a person,

the person did no wrong,

the person had a heart of gold,

the person spoke with song.

rest in peace to this person,

the person that did no wrong,

the person that had a heart of gold and

that used to speak with song.

the person was bullied as a child.

they were so young, it quickly stopped.

but as they got bullied again,

from the new girl,

the awful, nasty new girl,

memories came back.

they always dealt with lots of teasing,

bullying and sadness.

they felt suicide was the only way

to end this awful madness.

once upon a time there was a person.

a beautiful, perfect person.

just like every other person.

every beautiful, perfect person.


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⏰ Last updated: Apr 20, 2014 ⏰

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