Book IX: The Delay

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"What can I get for you, sir?" Clara asks nervously after seeing the look on Þórða's face.

"I'll just have a Viking Beer." Grettir replies, obviously sounding agitated.

Clara gets up instantly, afraid she will aggravate Grettir even more.

Grettir pulls out the golden beauty and jabs it into the bar.

Clara looks at Þórða, and Þórða looks back at her.

While bringing her drink back, Clara "trips" and spills it all over Grettir.

At that moment, Þórða surges forward and grabs the knife.

Grettir immediately stops drying himself off and grabs Þórða's hand.

Clara grabs the glass and smacks Grettir over the head with it, freeing his grip of Þórða.

Þórða runs out the door, and Clara screams, "Keep your promise!"

Grettir is not far behind, but Þórða is smaller and faster.

She runs all the way to the traffic circle, where she finally confronts Grettir.

"There is no way you can defeat me, Þórða!!" Grettir yells while approaching me.

"Except you're wrong, Grettir!" Þórða exclaims while pulling out the golden beauty.

Grettir puts his hands up again, and a storm cloud forms.

This time, Þórða is ready to face her fears.

The bolt of lightning comes down and, once again, travels through Grettir.

It passes through the air, into Þórða's chest.

This time, she doesn't get hurt or burnt.

No electrical shock, no pain at all.

There is a barrier blocking it: the Icelandic woolen sweater.

"WHY ISN'T IT WORKING?!?!" Exclaims Grettir in disbelief.

"Because when Clara gave this to me, it was out of love and care,

Something you have never felt!" Þórða says, now calm. She feels bad for Grettir.

No one loved him, like her mother once did to her, or how Clara does now.

"You need to be nice to have people be nice to you!

Small things, like not trying to kill people, go a long way!"

With that remark, Grettir collapses his arms, and begins to cry.

Þórða walks over to him, and hugs him. "I'm sorry this is happening to you."

"Because when Clara gave this to me, it was out of love and care,

Something you have never felt!" Þórða says, now calm. She feels bad for Grettir.

No one loved him, like her mother once did to her, or how Clara does now.

"You need to be nice to have people be nice to you!

Small things, like not trying to kill people, go a long way!"

With that remark, Grettir collapses his arms, and begins to cry.

Þórða walks over to him, and hugs him. "I'm sorry this is happening to you."

At this, Gísli comes running in

"Get away, Þórða, it's all a trap!"

But it's too late.

Grettir grabs Þórða by the neck and squeezes.

Þórða tries to punch, kick, scream. Anything that will make Grettir stop.

But it doesn't, and everything goes black.

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