Merry Christmas

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Summary: Christmas at Dan and Phil's.

Words: 2927 wow

Warnings: Nothing yay

Merry Christmas!!

I actually got amazing Christmas presents yay

I hope you all get what you want for Christmas!!

Also, spend loads of time with your family, because that's what Christmas is about. Spending time with any of your loved ones and cherishing them.

*cough* I sound like what my teachers would say lmao

So yeah, have a great Christmas (even though you might not feel very festive)!

Also my apologies for not updating regularly.

And I'm not implying that this actually happened, it's just my imagination so please don't sue me...



Dan was awoken by a loud noise vibrating through the house.

He groaned and rubbed his weary eyes, covering his ears with his fluffy pillow. However, the music just got louder and Dan cursed whoever was blasting the music at eight in the morning.

Just then, a loud voice joined the noise. Dan could never forget that voice. The voice with an unmistakable tone of happiness and all things cheerful belonged to his boyfriend and best friend of six years, Phil Lester.

Although Phil's voice made him smile, Dan was still pretty cranky because he didn't like to be woken up early. Even if it was Christmas.

Dan dragged himself out of bed and stretched his arms before shuffling to the hallway, only to see a string of wreaths and lights he didn't remember buying. He sighed and shook his head, knowing that Phil probably picked them out without Dan's consent. Sometimes, Phil could be a little too excited when it came to shopping for Christmas decorations.

Dan continued to walk to the living room, the music getting louder with each step he took.

"On the seventh day of Christmas, my Danny gave to me..." Phil sang loudly.

Dan smiled as he was immediately greeted by the sight of Phil dancing and singing in his pajamas.

When Dan stepped into the living room, Phil noticed him and the already big grin on his face grew even bigger as he threw his arms up.

"Merry Christmas, Dan!" Phil cheered and flung his arms around Dan when Dan approached Phil.

Dan chuckled as he wrapped his arms around Phil tenderly. Even though Phil had woken Dan up with loud Christmas music, Dan couldn't help but forgive that adorable face and personality of his. "Merry Christmas, Phil," he whispered back.

After a moment of hugging, Dan pulled away. "Also, I'm pretty sure 'my Danny' isn't in Twelve Days Of Christmas," Dan joked.

Phil giggled as he gently pecked Dan on the lips. All of a sudden, Phil squealed, and Dan knew exactly what was coming.

As he heard the first few notes of the song settle in, he internally grumbled. Much to his luck, it happened to "All I Want For Christmas".

The actual song isn't that bad, it was what Phil always made him do that made him dislike whenever the song was played.

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