Iggy's Cooking~

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I dare you to eat Iggy's cooking...kolkolkolkol

Alfred: Uhhh...a dare is a dare...I'll do it... ( =-=)/

*~Le time skip~*

Alfred: A-Arthur?

Arthur: Yes, Alfred?

Alfred: Uh....can I have some of your scones?

Arthur: *gasp* You want my scones!?

Alfred: Yes...

Arthur: Well your just in luck! I just made a batch!

Alfred: Okay...*takes a scone* Mmm...for a dare. *ears it*

Arthur: How is it?

Alfred: Uh..good! *fake smiles*

Arthur: That's good!

Alfred: (there my dare is furfilled...God this is disgusting~)

Admin: It'd okay Alfie...you'll live.

Ask/dare Alfred F. Jones~Where stories live. Discover now