the present.

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hailee's p.o.v.

i stare blankly at the folder laying down on the coffee table in front of me at starbucks... "after all ive been through with this fucking band, they want me back in just like that?" i thought to myself. i was snapped out of my thoughts when shawn spoke up.

"so? are you coming back?" he asked as i see the hope in his chocolate brown eyes.

"i dont know, shawn... i dont think this is a good idea." i responded back while making eye contact with shawn and the rest of the band members.

"well let us know, give us a call. and hold onto the papers while you think about it. itd be great to have you back, hailee." shawn said and smiled as him and his band mates got up to leave.

i take in a deep breath as soon as they walk out the door. why would he want me back in the band? he blamed me for being such a wreck when i was there to help him all along... i picked up my latte and soon left the café to clear my mind off of things.

a/n heyy i hoped you like the very first chapter of my first book to ever be written. its based on a filipino movie because it had such a nice twist to the story. now, as we all get deeper in the story, it becomes both past and future.. soo well see where the next and very first chapter takes us. dont forget to vote on the book and read, comment, and vote on my other books. love you all xx

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 16, 2016 ⏰

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