Chapter 10. The evil twin

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Graci was on her way to seventh period. Many things had happened that day and she SO wasn't looking forward to PE. Windsong had been asked out by Finn so she could hang out on Christmas. Obsidian was obviously going out with Loki or Eli whatever he wants to be called. GREAT! I'm gonna be all alone this Christmas.
She stepped into the locker room to change into her dark red and gray PE uniform. She was distracted by thinking about what she could do on Christmas when she bumped into Abbie, she was the only person Graci knew in this period. She had fire red hair and it was to her shoulder blades. Her green eyes where full of hate and rage 24/7 and Graci was always scared of her.
Graci cowered away from the girl who was only about an inch taller than her. Her icy glare was enough to even make Amy cower, how could she help it! She quickly changes into her uniform and runs out. They where assigning new squads today, the teacher says they got a few new people. A boy with sandy yellow hair steps out, his eyes where green and his skin was the same tone as Graci's his face had high cheekbones. He was beautiful but terrible at the same time, like a great white shark. Stingray.
He was assigned right in front of me because we both have the same last name, Jordan. He says his name is Luke but I know who he is. My twin brother Stingray, he used to be a kind, gentle dragon but a great fighter and always bigger than me. He suddenly became angry all the time, never did anything for anyone but himself and once when father scolded him for going to hard on me in training, he hasn't talked to him SENCE.
He looks back and smirks at me, he knows who I am, how could he not!?!? We look so alike, except the only thing different in him is his eyes, mischievous green eyes, I hate the way he looks at me. I know he loves me, I'm the only person he has ever loved. I love him too, although he may be the evil twin he sure was amazing at pranks and an amazing ally in a war.
I smirk right back at him, I know what that face means... Time to have a little fun.


The teach blows the whistle, showing that it's time to run 4 walls. Luke breaks into a sprint, he was always fast and he is taking to his new legs well, but not as good as me. I'm just as fast, if not faster. I pass him with a great smirk on my face and a challenging look in my eyes. When I'm almost passed him, he sticks a foot out and trips me and I fall but manage to grab his ankle and drag him down to. I jump right back up and escape his grasps. I finish my laps with a thud as I hit each wall. He somehow finishes before me, but I knew he was so far behind me! How...
We finish stretches, run the track, and head to volleyball. The last whistle sounds and the girls and boys run in opposite directions to change. When I reach the locker room, I feel a strong hand grab my shirt. I turn around to see Abbie blushing, obviously trying to ask me something embarrassing.
"Th-th-that boy, umm... Was your boyfriend right? Luke?" She says.
"Oh no, him? That's my twin brother stingr-" I catch myself, "Luke!"
She looks released from an invisible force. "Ok, that's all." She says in a confident voice.
I shrug, walk over to my locker and change. I go outside the locker room and find none other than Luke waiting for me. He is wearing all black with a silver chain sticking out his pocket on just to re-enter it completing a loop. He has a black fedora shading his eyes. He pops the hat up when he spots me.
"What took you so long... Whatever you call yourself here." He remarks.
"My name is Graci, idiot." I say to his smug face.
"Ok, fine. Graci Jordan. Looks like you've gotten faster sense the last time I saw you what, 4 months ago?" He compliments me in the strange way he does.
"Just how exactly did you get here?"
"I followed a she-dragon from the ice kingdom to the lake. I saw you where there and the ice-sky wing crossbreed pushed you in. You never came out so I camped out for a few moons but went in when you never came out."
We reached my locker and I opened it, got my stuff, then followed him to his locker. He did the same and we went out of the school in total silence. When we started walking home, I realized something. "Where do you live?" I ask.
"I've been sleeping in an abandoned police station. You?"
"Amy, Alisa and I have been hiding in the library."
"Who else?"
I realize he didn't know their human names. Oops! "Obsidian and Windsong. Sorry."
"Oh ok. You guys could stay in the station if you want. They have beds in the cells, probably more comfortable than books." He actually is doing something for someone else. I gawk at him, who did he become? "What?" Looking at my face of disbelief.
"Nothing. Sure we can, just let me write a note for them." I put a note on the desk when we get to the library, grab my stuff and head to his place.

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