Finding Out

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chapter 1

"Beth!!!!!!!!" Yelled Stella. Stella is 8 years old, blond hair, and blue eyes. "Mom left."

"Where did she go?" Beth said. Beth is 14 years old, brown eyes, and light brown hair. Beth looks more like their dad and Stella looks like their mom.

"She went somewhere, I don't know. I was just telling you." Said Stella. Beth and Stella hate each other.

"Well, when she gets back tell her I'm at Selena's house." Beth said.


Selena has black hair and brown eyes. Knock! Knock!

"Whose there?" Selena said. Selena answered the door.

"Your such a dork. Can I come in?"

"You know you you never have to ask."

"I know, I just feel better if I do." Said Beth. "So what do you want to do?"

They went in Selena's back yard. Both just stood their for about three minutes.

"I don't know." Said Selena.

After thinking for a while Selena finally said something, "Hey, we can play popstars."

"Yah!" said Beth.

After three hours of playing Beth and Selena got in a fight on the other person doing something wrong.They haven't gotten in a fight in 7 years. "I wish you were higher and got burned by a fire." Beth said.

 Beth through a rock at Selena. Behind the rock was fire coming out of Beth's hand.

The girls freaked out and stopped fighting. Beth wanted to get ride of her hand but she couldn't. Beth went to her mom and she told her everything. Her mom told her,"Your three times great grand mother made a posion and drank it which gave her the power of elements. Now it run in the family."

That night Beth couldn't sleep. She was awake all night. She couldn't stop thinking about her powers. She keep asking herself questions lie 'How do you control powers, how do you use them, and what can they do.' All night she just stared at the roof, thinking about what could happen to her.


The next day at school Beth and Selena keep talking about it all day at school.

"So your mom didn't tell you anything else about you know what?" Selena said. They were at lunch eating and whispering.

"No, all she said was were a got it and that I can't tell anyone except you, sense you found out with me. I can't even tell my sister."

 "Maybe, you can teach yourself. I mean doesn't every one do that in a tv show." Selena said.

"Well this isn't a movie, Selena."

After school Beth walk home she meet a guy, Dylen. He had blond hair and blue eyes.

Beth fell in love. She never felt this way before.

"So.... it's really hot out here." Dylen said.

"Yeah I can make it colder."

"How can you do that?"

"Uh ..... I don't know. Bye."


When Beth got home she couldn't find her mom. She got worried and called the police, but they couldn't find her. Beth told Selena and they went on a quest. Of course they had to take Stella but Beth wish she didn't.

Beth got annoyed by Stella asking a lot of question.

"Where is mom? How long is this going to take? I'm hungry and tired."Stella said.

"Shut up!"

When they finally found a tree, they fell asleep under it. They wake up and started walking. It started raining and hid under a tree. They laid down and relaxed.

"Beth, will we ever get mom back?"

"I don't know"

"I'm scared"said Stella.

"I know I protect you."

Stella fell asleep on Beth's chest.

After Beth and Selena fell asleep.


The next morning Selena was cooking eggs.

"Where did you get the eggs from?" Asked Beth.

"Found them in a nest ."

Beth stared at her blankly.

"What, there wasn't a mom there."

 "Whatever, we have to go in about five minutes so hurry up." Beth said. She shook Stella,"Stella, wake up."

"I don't want to."

"Well you have to, now get  up. Before a hurt you."

"Fine, where are we going?"

"Well, you see that mountain up there, we are going all the way to the top and push you off of it." Selena said.

"Ha ha, very funny but, literally where?"

"Where going to get mom." Beth said."Come on lets keep going."

"But I don't want to keep going. I want to go to sleep."

Selena gave Stella the egg, "Here have an egg."

"Where you get it, it's delicious?"

"A nest."

Stella spit out the egg all over Selena.

"Ew!" Selena and Beth screamed at the same time.

"Okay, let's go," Beth said and started walking with Selena and Stella following.


A/n: Sorry if it's boring and short, I am going to try and make it longer and better.
I should post really soon. When I do please read it and tell me if it's good. I don't know if it is so please tell.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 19, 2015 ⏰

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