The Attic of Secrets (Epilouge)

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Truth to be told, I was planning on just leaving it at the previous ending, but people got confused and thought there was more. For those ones (don't worry, it wasn't trouble :) ) I wrote another more final ending, not scary, but

If you are content with the first ending, you don't have to read it, that's fine. But for the people who do, enjoy! I wrote it just for you guys :)


Ten years hadn’t changed a thing, Vicki noticed as she moved the last box in to the house. Her old house hadn’t changed a bit since she had been taken away from child services, too traumatized to explain anything. They figured her parents abandoned her, but of course they didn’t really. Well, not exactly.

It probably hasn’t changed because my parents are still around, waiting till I move back in, Vicki thought, smiling secretively to herself. Well, she was back. They didn’t have to worry anymore.

Since Vicki had been taken away, however, she learned some things about her parents. Both of them had been murdered in that house, but through their entire existence had only wanted a child. So badly, in fact, that they stayed in the afterlife adopting one, keeping their bodies hidden away in the attic.

Of course, some part of Vicki still didn’t completely believe the crazy story. But, in her heart she knew it was true.

And now, Vicki planned having her own family here. Getting married, having a daughter, maybe just like her.

And of course, her own daughter would be allowed in the attic. After all, it was just an attic, even though one with a crazy secret.

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