Chapter One - The Invasion

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"Hey, you learn fast!" Kenny said. "You even learned faster than I did!!!"

"Well, when I was young, my dad let me fake sword fight with a wooden sword, so I know a little bit." I told him.

"So you just wanted to learn more tactics?" He asked.


He sighed. "Very well... But I warn you: if you would have warned me, I would have given you a harder lesson!" He told me.

~A week later~

We headed back home from the cave when someone ran toward us, yelling "To the castle! To the castle! All go to the castle! We are being invaded!!!"

"Come on!" Kenny took my hand and led me towards the castle.

"Great! They couldn‘t invade AFTER I finished perfecting my skills?!" I asked no one in particular.

~A couple minutes later~

"Archers, to the battlement!" The fighting master yelled directions at everyone. "All sword fighters get ready for the upcoming battle!" I wished I could join them as Kenny left me to get ready.

"Don't do anything reckless!" He yelled to me as he ran off.

Reckless? Me?

Doesn't he know better?

Well, he may be right about that... But when it comes to duels, I got a record!

"All non-fighters, go to the main hall!" The fighting master's voice rang out in the corridor.

What?! But there's no way of getting any action there!

Oh... I guess that may be the whole point...

Well, at least I'm an archer, so that's something...

Girls are allowed to be archers, but under no circumstances are they allowed to be sword fighters...


It's a pain in the neck if you ask me!

It sucks! Well, for me at least; I'm the only girl that I know of that wants to even learn how to fight with a sword. All the other warrior girls like archery.

And the rest are too girlie or snobby to care!

Not to mention, afraid of getting hurt or stuff like that...

A messenger ran to the fighting master as I was preparing for the oncoming fight. "We are missing two kids!" he told him.

Oh no!

I have to go find them; I can find them without being found and captured. It is NOT the way of a warrior to be caught easily...

*on the other side of the castle*

"John, shouldn't we go to the main hall?" I asked my brother.

"No way Jane!" He told me. "We'll go and fight the villains, and then we'll become heroes!"

"I prefer to be safe rather than being a hero!" I whined. "Heroes nearly get killed all the time, and I don't want to get killed, John!"

"Be quiet or they'll find us!"

"Who? People from our side or those from the other side?" I asked him, terrified to be found by the pirates.

" I don't know... And shouldn't pirates be in the water, anyway?!" He pointed out the strange condition of our predicament. "We live far away from water, so why would pirates come here...?"

Just then, the door started to open. "Hide!" we hissed at one another. We ran off to the corner and hid behind some boxes.

A fiery red haired girl came through the door. I know her! "Kelly Hope!" I shouted, running out of the hiding place to hug her. My brother muttered angrily at me.

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