Chapter 1

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 Her watch suddenly starts buzzing, waking her up from some much-needed sleep. Jay appeared on the screen which meant, Kevin was on his way to her house. This was going to be a long day she thought as she rolled out of bed. Nicole looked in the mirror, she had bags under her eyes, she looked at the clock, it was 4:48 am. She didn't get much sleep because of the events that took place last night and her anxious thought about school. As she got ready, she thought about how much of a teenage life she missed. Maybe she'll retire this year or ask for a year off. Either way, she as just needing some time from all the madness.

She finished getting ready and went outside to see, Kevin pulling in. "You ready" he shouted. "Ready" she shouted back and smiled but it didn't reach her eyes. She got in the car and they pulled off for their mission. "I still can't believe the organization is letting you drive the new Lamos, especially knowing your track record of wrecking cars," Nicole said.

"Hey!" he said grabbing his chest pretending to be hurt, "The last 2 wrecks weren't exactly my fault"

"Weren't exactly your fault? You drove into the building and then tried to race Archer. Also, who was the one behind the wheel?"

"Me," Kevin whispered. "I'm sorry, I can't hear you that well. Can you repeat that?"


"That's right, YOU! I love you, but you're still hella wreckless." They both laughed.

Jay suddenly appeared on the screen interrupting us. "Hey, guys! So you're about to pull up to the building. We believe that this is where, Crowley and his gang are hiding as well as giving out orders from. Be on high alert, they are trying to smuggle in drugs and sell military weapons to our enemies. You have to park about a half mile from the building, I'm hacking into their cameras right now. There's a tunnel not too far that will lead you to the building. Once you're inside signal for backup. Your mission is the capture Crowley and any intel about them and where the weapons are being delivered to. Talk to you two soon."

Kevin parked by the woods so the car could be hidden if Crowley or his men ever drove by. They began walking and heard and thud as they walked over these leaves. So they turned around and walked over leaves again to make sure weren't just hearing things. They weren't, so the two kicked the leaves away and found the tunnel.

"This must be one of their routes," Kevin suggested. "Let's see which tool to use, there's the laser, grenade, or should we go old fashion and use the crowbar or bolt cutters." Kevin went on about as he walked around the tunnel not realizing that Nicole was able to just lift it open.

"Or we could just, you know? Lift it open?" She smiled at him. They climbed down the staircase that was in there and began walking. They could tell they were getting closer when they heard voices.

"This is was happens when you become a traitor" They heard someone yell followed by a punch causing someone to groan. They finally reached where the sound was from and looked through the vent and saw someone they didn't expect. Dexter. A good friend to the both of them since they were young. Nicole quietly unscrewed the bolts so they could get in, Kevin was working on signalling the backup they needed. It was just the two of them and there were at least 25 men in and around the building. She tried to be as quiet as she could be but the vent cover slipped out of her hand and fell to the ground causing a loud crash and all the men in the room to turn to them.

"Uhh hello. Don't mind us, we're just checking out the building." Nicole put her hands behind her back and began whistling show tunes as she walked away.

"Well, what are you all doing! Go get them!" the man who held Dexter back yelled. Eight men ran to Kevin and Nicole. Thy both dropped down to the ground to get out of reach then quickly got up and ran in different directions causing the men following to split up between the two of them.

Nicole ran up the stairs while Kevin ran out the door to another room filled to the top with boxes. It was like a maze in there. The room Nicole walked in was filled with tv monitors showing the outside of the building and rooms in here as well as rooms from different buildings because the images weren't what she saw the pictures Jay sent her or from what she saw pulling up in the woods.

The chair in the middle of it all was still turning so the person behind the screen just fled. The men were right on her tail so she ran in and closed the door. She needed some time to look around.

She found a stack of files on the desk and began looking through them. She read papers that were messages from Dexter and Crowley discussing his offshore accounts and homes in different countries. They kept mentioning "The Eagle" whatever that means. It could be a code name for the US she thought but wasn't sure. She looked up at one of the monitors that were of a home, "That has to be somewhere tropical." she thought since there were palm trees on the front yard. A woman appeared walking out of the home with a child. There was a car parked in the driveway, Nicole walked over to the control panel to zoom in on the license plate.

"Well, well, well, look who we have here." Nicole quickly turned around after hearing that voice.

There he was. Crowley. 

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 21, 2015 ⏰

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