~Chapter 20~

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so, ive written out the next 3 chapters so that means quicker updates :). this is a filler chapter (i know, they suck but i have to put em in), Enjoy :D


~Chapter 20~

"why dont you come over? no ones home anyway and i've got the new super Mario game we can play!" Hannah squealed.

"okay yeah, sounds cool." i shrugged, "i'm so going to beat your ass."

We chatted all the way to Hannah's house before we sat and played the new super Mario fo the next 2 house.

"so, how are things between you and loverboy?"

"loverboy? seriously?"

she chuckled "would you prefer J-Man?" she waggled her eyebrows.

i cringed, "Lover boy is fine. and things are good. i think he understand me way more now than he did before. "

"what is there to understand?" she joked, she didnt know about my past with Tyler.

i laughed, "and you and the hot neighbour? any pogress i should be aware of?"

a hot blush crept up Hannah's cheeks.

"oh my gosh, spill! tell me everything" i squeal. "did he speak to you?"

"well, i met him on the street yesterday and well, he said my name and i was like how do you know my name and he kinda just froze for a second then he said that he heard my brunette friend calling me 'Hannah' a week ago. i'm guessing he was talking about you since i have no other friends. he said he's seen me around a few times and he was curious to know more about me"

"wow, Im really not liking this dude. he sounded creepy when you first told me about him. now he's a total stalker." i stated.

"noo, he's sweet. the fact that he payed attention to my friend to find out my name means he liked me and wanted to know who i was."

"well, why didnt he just come up to your door and ask you? he is your neighbour."

"maybe he's one of them shy guys" she said, though she didnt believe her own words.

"shy guys? seriously? shy guys dont drive Harley's."

"well whatever. anyway, he said i was pretty and that maybe we could hang out some time"

"please please please tell me you did not say yes. this guy does not seem genuine. oh please tell me you had enough living brain cells left over after triple math yesterday to tell him you werent interested." i begged.

"why would i lie when i am totally interested."

i groaned, "but what if he's like them drunk guys i beat up for you?" i countered but instantly regretted it. she shoudnt let her past influence her social life.

"you know what? i think he's a nice guy. dont you want me to be happy. i mean, you have Jayden so you're all happy-go-lucky. but not everyone has good luck. if i like a guy, i will go out with him if i want to. you cant tell me what to do" she stated harshly.

i looked at her apologetically, "i'm sorry Hannah, im just trying to be the caring best friend i wish i had. i never had any friends and i guess i just want to look out for you."

she sighed, "i'll think about it"

i smiled and stood up, "i should get going. Jeff will be waiting." she nodded and i left the house. i could tell she was peeved at me for having a go at her but i was only looking out for her. this dude smelled of trouble. not that i've actually smelled him.i've never even met him face to face.

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