Chapter 3

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Chris P.O.V.

Looking at Onika get out her car she was fine as hell...turning around I saw her big ass...damn I mumble. Rihanna must have heard me cause she slap me across the face. Getting mad she walk away. Walking in school I saw Onika going to her locker to get some books....looking around to make sure Rihanna wasn't around I walk up to her...

Nicki P.O.V.

Getting my textbook out for Chemistry I look up and saw Chris making he way over to my locker. Closing my door he walk right up to me. I can tell he was nerves and scared. Moving a piece of my hair out of the way. 

Chris: Hey...

Nicki: Hi..

Chris: you be?


Chris: Um...I be

Nicki: What is it Chris you wasting my time...

Chris: Look...*Look around* Just kept quiet about that night..please don't tell anyone

Nicki: *Laugh* I already told people..

Chris: Y-you did?

Nicki: Yes...but not the friends..

Chris: O.

Nicki: Before I go..I want you to tell your groups of friends..I coming for y'all I going to get my revenge all of y'all...So be prepared Chris..all of y'all be prepared.

Walking away I heard his heart beat speed up...I can tell that he was now scared...scared for his life. Continuing to walk to Chemistry I saw August was already in the room. Taking my seat by him he wrap he around Looking over I kiss on the cheek. Smiling I turn away and saw Trey walk in...smiling I focus on his thoughts . (Just walk to your desk Trey don't look at her, speak to her..Just walk to your desk.) Laughing a little bit I said Hey Trey...causing him to look over. Waving at him. He wave back but still kept his head down and sat at his seat. Looking over to August we both started to laugh. 

Later On..

Walking out of my second block I walk toward the lunch room to meet up with Kim. Walking I saw her leaning against the wall. Smiling I walk up to her. Seeing me she got off the wall. Meeting up we start walking to the vending machines. Getting closer I could see Rihanna with Mariah and Ciara. Walking closer to the vending machine I heard her thoughts. ( What is her ass doing here? Her ugly ass never come to lunch.)  Smiling I walk right up to the vending machine right beside her. Flipping a piece of my hair over my shoulder...looking back over to Rihanna I can feel her anxiety getting the best of her. Looking over at me she start running that big ass mouth of her.

Rihanna: Can I help? What are you looking at?!

Nicki: Shit...

Rihanna: Excuse you?!

Nicki: You ask what I was looking at...and I looking at shit matter of fact.

Mariah: Rihanna you going stand there and let her talk to you like that?

Ciara: Knock her ass out!

Standing still I can tell she don't want to fight..but now she have over her off the lunch room looking over here at us. Balling up her fist she took a swing at me. It I was still Onika i would have got hit by it but now thanks to August and Aaliyah my mind can process and comprehend things faster. I can see the moment she lift up her was like seeing everything in slow motion. 

Smiling I easily move out the way of her punch and trip her. Falling on the floor she turn back around with angry full eyes. Standing up she try to grab for my hair.but miss..grabbing her by her hair..I pull her and slam her head in the vending machine..not at full strength of course..if I did..let go say the janitor will be cleaning her brain off fall and vending machine.  Slamming her head into the vending machine I back up. Looking down at her I saw blood gusting from her forehead..looking at her now she look a mess. 

At this point everyone at the vending machine was either screaming at the top of they lungs or gone to get help. Hearing someone behind me I let them grab..looking up I saw it was Ms. Long..the principle..pulling me by the arm she took me to her office. 

Looking in her room it smell bad like a house full of cats...sit down Onika I heard say.  Sitting down in the chair in front of her desk I cross my legs and flip a lock of hair out of my face.  Sitting down behind her desk she look coldly at me.

Ms. Long: you know how much trouble you going to get in? Not in the school but her parents may...

Nicki: A lawsuit yeah,yeah no big deal.. and call me Nicki

Ms.Long: No big deal? 

Nicki: Yeah. I not going to get in trouble...

Ms.Long: Are you crazy...not going to get in trouble? You going to

Nicki: Can you hurry up I hungry and I would like to eat lunch..

Ms.Long: Ms. Onik-

Nicki: I said call me Nicki. N-I-C-K-I...Nicki

Ms.Long: not leaving this office..

Nicki: Bitch fuck you..

Ms.Long: Excuse me?

Nicki: Fuck you! Send me back to class...NOW

Ms.Long I will not-

Looking into her eyes I brainwash send me back to class and put a small piece of my conscience into her mind to let me have full control over her when the time come for it. Standing up I walk out of her office and walk back to lunch. Walking in most of the lunch room I was still talking about what happened. Walking back over to the vending machines I saw Kim standing up from getting a honey bun from the vending machine. 

Kim: You back already?

Nicki: Yep..

Kim: Good..and O I got you this. 

Reaching out she handed me a ginger ale and bag of spicy Doritos..taking it from her I thanks and her and start walking to a table. Sitting down..I smile to myself. Looking up at Kim I smile...

Kim: What?

Nicki: O nothing...I just ready to put my plans into actions...

Kim: Yay! So who are we going to start with?

Nicki: Chris...* Laugh*

Kim: *Laugh* 

Please Vote. ( Next chapter will start Nicki plans for revenge and it going to be extra LONG) 

Nicki Minaj: RevengeWhere stories live. Discover now