Liz,The Ice and Animal Princess

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❄❄❄❄❄❄This is the story about how me and my best friend saved the world. It all started when I ran away from my orphanage. I ran away because I knew they did terrible stuff there. I had to leave my best friend Colin, he was the only person I could trust and he also went to an orphanage next door. Our two orphanages had the same playground. I even saw me friend getting whipped.That's why I ran away.Anyway my name is Liz short for Lizzy.

But,while I was running I saw a girl tall and skinny like me. I told her to stop and we started talking. I told her about me and she said she was Jordyn,and she ran away like me.I asked her if we can walk with each other and she said yes.She told me why she ran away and I told her why I ranaway.

While we were walking,I heard something in the woods and Jordyn all suddenly burst out a big blob of jello.It got me and I was jellod it wasn't that good but she said she was sorry and undid it.But the thing I didn't notice was there was ice everywhere.I undid it and then did it again I had ice powers I was so happy.All I ever wanted was to be spacial.Now Im finally speacial.

While me and Jordyn were walking I saw animals just following me around then I thought maybe I have two powers.I told Jordyn I had to go to the restroom and she waited. I called some of the animals and saw a cute cat. I decided to keep her and call her Strease.When I returned Jordyn freaked out because it was so cute. I didn't tell Jordyn that I had animal powers because 1 was good enough.

Out of nowhere I hear someone calling our names.Jordyn wondered off then this lady appeared.She kinda looked like me.She said she was my mother and she gave me to the orphanage and said we will conquer all the land. She said she was the snow queen and I was a princess.She said to keep my powers secret so nobody knows,and thats there a portal where me and Jordyn will go to so we will join our parents.Then she vanished in snowflakes.

Jordyn said her mom was the goddess of food. I told her my mom was a queen who has powers like me.I left out the part about how my mom wants to conquer all the lands because I wasn't planning on doing it.

I felt really tired so me and Jordyn decided to rest. I feel asleep then Jordyn screamed.I opened my eyes and I had wings on my back and I was floating.Then Jordyn was floating it was amazing.We flew really far to the portal and while holding Strease we went in.

8 YEARS LATER****************

As soon as Jordyn and I walked into the portal we started building.As years passed Jordyn and I made a huge bond.We gave each other gifts like snow men and lots of food.

My mom came and I told her to leave because I was queen and I can over power her, then she vanished.I was scared she would ruin my village but I wouldn't let her.So I put a huge barracade guarded by my strongest knights. I even had my eagles guard it.

Then I saw these people coming in the gates,one woman, another a guy. I went up to them and asked who they are and what they're doing at my castle.They said that the snow queen is ruining their castles and said she will stop if I join her. I knew I mustn't but I had to.

I went with them and froze my whole kingdom for nothing will happen. It was a 3 day trip.When I finally got their names they said they had powers. The woman said she was Queen May and she had Nature and Wind as powers. The guy said he was King Daniel,and he has Light and Darkness as powers. I told them I was Princess Lizzy, but just to call me Liz,and I have Ice powers. I told them that Jordyn and I went through a portal and that.I made them each a little snowman before we got there.

Finally we got there I froze a block of water and made a ice cabin. Just for the homeless.But I felt maybe my new friends were getting jealous.Me and the horses and everyone bonded but they didnt look really happy.I was thinking maybe they were working with my mom.So I said "You know maybe i'll just let her take over your castles."Then my mom came. She said she paid them to take me here, but she did invade their kingdoms. I told her to stop but she wouldn't listen.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 22, 2015 ⏰

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