I Am

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I am a product of my past pain and a jar of secrets.

I wonder if they notice my laughter and smiles; so fake.

I hear pain in happiness and music in silence.

I want someone who will see my scars, but won't try to open them.

I am a product of my past pain and a jar of secrets.

I pretend to be someone I am not, just to avoid questions.

I feel the sunshine from afar, as it slowly moves towards me.

I touch the scars on my heart and then,

I worry about what they will think.

I cry when my mask slips and the pain drizzles out.

I am a product of my past pain and a jar of secrets.

I understand that I cannot be perfect, yet strive for nothing less.

I say that what I am and what others say I am are two completely different things.

I dream of love so strong that it knocks my walls down and spins my world around.

I try to leave the past in the past, but it isn't as easy as it sounds.

I hope my heart, broken, crushed, and wounded is going to feel happiness again.

I am a product of my past pain and a jar of secrets.

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