Chapter Ten:

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Chapter Ten: Belle's POV

There comes a time when every living thing has to die. Immortality doesn’t count because you did die. You just conned your way to earth somehow. But my time is now. I am meant to die now…

“Belle? Here are the videos I request you watch prior to this decision.” Alex handed me a set of three videos. I took them sitting them down on the bed in my room. I had my way to cheat death. I could become an immortal like him. I could still have a happily ever after.

I pulled him to me and kissed his lips roughly. I pulled him toward the bed again and started to take his shirt off. Alex stopped me though and pulled away.

“Stay focused.” And he closed the door.

Death. No matter what I die. It is just whether I return as something stronger and braver and fearsome than I am now is the real problem. A part of me though he didn’t want me to turn. He didn’t want to be stuck with me forever. But I don’t know anymore.

I pushed one of the DVDs in and it immediately started playing. Scene after scene appeared of girls and guys being tortured against a wall. But no one was touching them. The soul was being drained from them. They screamed and begged for it to end but nothing ever came to help their pain. And slowly but surely in each movie they would calm down and their breathing would cease. They would then jolt awake at the smell of human blood coming to their brain.

They were all savage. Ripping each human’s flesh apart to get to the blood. They drained every last drop. The humans never screamed or fought. They knew it was a hopeless cause. When I finished the final show I shut it all down and went to find Alex. But instead I came across his sister.

Death brings you to the brink of no fear. Of no remorse. “Catherine.”

“Isabelle? You are feeling better I see.” Her voice was soft. She only glanced at me for a moment.

“Do you know, Catherine, that I am dying?” I asked.

Her head snapped in my direction. “No. You’re lying.”

I shook my head while pursing my lips, “No, I wish I was but I’m not. You cut my heart and your brother’s blood is keeping me alive at the moment. But it won’t be able to help me for very long. I have to make the choice of whether I die human or live a vampire.”

            Catherine suddenly had my pinned against a wall by my neck. But I still wasn’t scared. She released me slowly and pulled my face toward hers but I shoved her away.

            “If I make the decision to change, which I will, I prefer you don’t come anywhere near me.” My voice was cold and emotionless. “I am going to die because of you and even though you have killed plenty of people. You are now killing someone who has had both an effect on you and you’re brother. You are a monster.”

            “And what makes you think, you won’t turn out like me? Sweet, innocent little girl. I was one too, remember? And look at what I am… a monster.”

            I smiled softly ad walked toward her. “I will never be like you, Catherine, because you were destroyed by your fear. And I won’t let you destroy me. I may not be at your strength or your age of knowledge but I am one thing greater than you… I am fearless of the unknown.” I pressed my lips against hers and pulled her too me pressing our chest together. I grabbed her breast squeezing them and then shoved her to the ground. I straddled her body and kissed her again grinding my hips against hers soliciting a moan from her lips.

            Then I pulled away, standing up and walking to the door. “You see, Catherine, You have had me wrapped around your finger because I was scared of all your toys and projects and you. I was afraid of what you could do to me. But I’m not. I’m not afraid of that. Because even if I turn and you still abuse me, I have taken from you what you crave the most. My fear.”

            She laughed and smiled at me genuinely. “That is brilliant, my sweet Isabelle. But it isn’t your fear I crave the most. It is your innocence. My brother broke you but he has break you down. I will get to you. I always do. You may not be afraid of me but soon, if and when you turn, you’ll have something else to fear.”

            “Oh really? And what would that be, mistress?” I smarted.

            “Falling in love with me.”

            I burst out laughing and held my stomach as tears filled my eyes. “Never,” I calmed down a little, “that’s funny but yeah… right.”

            “That’s what they always say. My brother gets them first but then they want me. I am adventure; I am curiosity. I am everything he isn’t. They think they know what they want but as soon they change, “She snapped her fingers together, “They change. They want a woman’s touch and they know exactly who can give it.” She dropped her voice to a whisper.

            “I don’t feel threatened at all.” I spoke as she stood from the floor.

            She pretended to dust herself off before looking directly into my eyes. “It wasn’t a threat. It was a promise. You see, I do love you, Belle. Just differently than you would suppose. And I will get you all in good time.”

            “No. No, you won’t.” Then I left the room with a slamming of the door behind me.

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