Dobby is a free elf!

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3rd parson's POV.

That's all Dobby could think about.
It was over. No more getting punished by the Malfoy's, they couldn't hurt him anymore. He wouldn't let them hurt Harry Potter. He would give his life for Mr. Harry Potter, after all thanks to him Dobby is FREEEEE!

Dobby is having no luck getting another job, that he would get payed to do, so Dobby decides that he is going to take a brake from it all, he's going to go to the muggle world! Where he shall see what the muggle's do all day and he's very excited to do so!

Dobby is at a playground watching the little muggle's play. They are cute little one's he thought. One came over to him, the little girl looked up at him and said. "Hi, you look nice, my name's Rosie what's yours? How old are you? I'm 8. Do you aways wear that? Is that a hat or is it really you're ears?" The little girl asked. Dobby thought for a moment before answering, then he said. "Hello! Thank you! I'm Dobby the elf! Not aways. Yes they are my ears!" He answered.

"Wow! Are you magic?!" She asked him. "Yes I am! But I must be off. Goodbye Miss Rosie!" He told her. "Bye Dobby!" She said.
And with that he was gone.


Helloooooo! Hope you liked it.
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⏰ Last updated: Dec 22, 2015 ⏰

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