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Imagine a baby gurgling version of all the characters in modern day and age

Todler Percy~

Teacher: "Perseus no! Stop spilling water all over yourself. No, not on everyone else, we don't do that. Don't you dare-NOW I'M ALL WET PERSEUS! TIMEOUT!"

Todler Annabeth~

Teacher: "Annabeth? Ms. Chase? Yes hello, welcome back. Yes, j know your reading, and good job. Its great that you love to learn! But, ah, just not during class time, okay?"

Todler Jason~

Teacher: "Good job Jason! You get another sticker! Nice...no no no, you can't have that. Honey, give me the stapler! You already got hurt, don't do it-PUT IT DOWN. DON'T PUT IT TO YOUR- I'M COMING OVER THERE MISTER AND YOU'RE LOSING YOUR STAR STICKER."

Todler Piper~

Teacher: "Yes. Yes. Yes, Ms. McLean if course. Yes, here you go. More chocolate? Sure. My desk? It's yours. These glasses. Yep. My car? Here are the keys darling. Wait...wait what?"

Todler Frank~

Teacher: "Aw your a sweetheart aren't you? Yeah, yeah you are. Do you want to play with the alphabet blocks? Yeah? Here you spell something...honey I don't think that's a word. No, no, I've never heard of a Levesque. Weird thing for you to spell. Maybe it's a type of nut?"

Todler Hazel~

"Oh where did you get this watch, Hazel darling? Its gold? Well I don't think this is yours. And where did you get this....what's this? Hazel. Honey. Um, where did you get a chunk if silver? Where did you find this?"

Todler Leo~

Teacher: "VALDEZ. Did you...turn my desk into a rocket again? How in the world did you set your desk on fire?! Did you steal this airplane made from paper clips? Did you put the glue in Drew's hair? LEO WHERE IS MY CAR....oh please don't tell me it's the rockets landing gear."



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