THEIR TRUST... part 1

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Libra and their trust both are sensitive and fragile...
Libra may seem strong or hard or very serious but actually they are very senstive.

Okay now their trust welll never break anybodies trust its hurts so much... same with libra NEVER BREAK THEIR TRUST.
but there is something unique abt libra n their trust
Wt is it WHAT WHAT! What Is it???????????
nothing much its just that they trust people veEEEEEERRRRYYY easily and it makes them pay the price.

When libra is making any friend they trust them alot! And with their mind and heart but alwayx!!! in the end their trust breakx and libra takes all the blame that why did they trust them... WHY WHY ???

Libran is friendly and warm hearted.
They take others as friendly and warm hearted aswell.
they trust their friend and expect them to trust them aswell. Yes libra is trustworthy but their friend is not. As libra is trust worthy n libra knows it they think " umm ya i can trust them i mean look how friendly they are . We should trust people i mean we all are trustworthy i should give them a chance.... (libra they r friendly with you cux you are friendly with them duh! ) ya i can trust them lets say it! Lemme just say everything i know yay...!...." like really i mean oh come on dont trust everybody!!
Ok now they are some libran who might disagree that they dont trust people easily but trust me their heart is begging them to trust them but them their mind stepx in and tellx them " no dont you dont know them
You guys barely know eachother" then cute little fragile lonely heart stepx in say " dont you wanna have friendx ???? Dont you want someone to talk toooooo!!!!???? Just trust them look how nice and modest they are.... "
And then some of them trust and some of them dont trust at first but afterwardx they do and then its a strong trust..
we should not trust people untill they are very very close to you or untill you know them very VeRY WEll........

There is lot to tell but in next chapter.. ✌

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