Good Night

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"Mia, I am so proud of you. You cooked such tasty food tonight." Nimah kissed Mia and hugged her. "Thanks dear, it was such an important day at work, I started panicking. I was so worried, I didn't want to disappoint Adel, especially today but you saved me"

"Mom, come on!"

Mia was fine, she surprised her family with all the preparation she did for Adel's birthday. The family had a really good time.

"Mia, can I ask you something about the last night?" Nimah asked.

"Mom, I am sorry I didn't talk to you when I got home last night. I met an old friend and lost track of time. I was tired" Mia lied. She didn't know why she lied but she couldn't tell her mom about it yet.

Nimah hugged and kissed her good night.

The family had a good time together at dinner for Adel's birthday. Ali was consumed with business and Nimah was busy at her work so family decided to stay home and didn't go out to celebrate. It was Adel's 18th birthday so he understood his parents' situation really well. Mia covered up for her mom in the preparation and did everything she could to make the night special for Adel. Mia looked fine and had convinced Nimah that she was only tired the previous night. They had sat in the lounge to talk and spend some good time together before they went back to their rooms to sleep.

Mia was not feeling sleepy yet so she tried to read some books but it did not help her. She finally went to the terrace. It was cold and foggy. Mia sat on the chair and stared the sky, thinking about everything.

"Why are you not in your room?" Adel said.

Mia turned around and said, "You scared me, Adel. Come!" Mia asked him to sit with her, "Happy Birthday! I can't believe you've turned 18.I still remember babysitting you and skipping my classes." They both laughed and started taking about Adel's childhood.

Adel interrupted, "You're you not normal, are you?" He looked at her and said "You can tell me if you want."

"I woke up really late today, you know" Mia replied. "Everything's good"

"Don't worry!" Adel said, "I won't tell mom and dad. Trust me! Did I mention that I haven't even seen the gift you went to buy for me?"

Mia looked at him and said "I'm so sorry, I completely forgot".

"Mia!" Adel said. "We did so much for my birthday dinner but forgot the gift?"

"It's in the car, I'll just get it" Mia said and stood up to go but Adel held her wrist and asked "Sit here!"

"I know you don't want to tell me what's wrong but don't lie that everything is okay" Adel said in a polite tone. "I know something's happened yesterday and you know you can't lie that's why you've been running from mom, from me, from us."

"Adel, trust me" Mia said but he interrupted, "I understand if you don't want to share it and I want you to know that I am always here"

"Do you remember Hadid?" Mia asked.

"I met him last week when I went out with dad. He's back, you know" Adel responded. "Wait! What'd wrong? Why have you asked about him?"

Mia without looking him in the eye started speaking "I met him last night after Elza left."

Mia finished telling him what had happened the night before. She shared the conversation she had with Elza about it.

"Then?" He looked at Mia but she didn't say anything. "What do you think about him?"

"I don't know" Mia said.

Adel winked at her and said "I think Elza is right. You do feel something for him, I can tell the way you talk about him"

Mia smiled and didn't know what else to say. "Anyway! Since you shared it with me, I'll share a story with you before I tell mom and dad" Adel said.

"What? Asked Mia.

"I've submitted my project and I'm going for an exchange program from college for two months. It's not confirmed yet, but I know" Adel said.

"Wait! When? And Where?" she asked.

"For two months" Adel said.

She hugged him and said "I miss you, already."

"Okay! Okay! Enough of the melodrama." Adel said pretending to be annoyed. "Go to your room"

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