BLC 19

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BLC 19

‘If only I do know where my path goes to, this will be the one I will step on and continue to walk on.’

Gabe’s POV

I think that if I’m going to sit down here, thinking about what happen earlier with Chris then I think I must have some problems. Usually when dudes argue with each other, we don’t usually keep grudges and just cool off.

But since after letting Chris see what happen earlier in the room, I was feeling slightly off and felt wrong in some ways, like I had just hurt his feelings some way that leads back to his own sister. Or does he have one in the first place?

But when I remembered the photo, it was real. He had a twin sister that looks almost like him. Since the photo was printed in black and white, I couldn’t well tell off if the boy or the girl’s eyes reflect what colour. From his profile, I just knew that he likes to keep to himself and love his sister so much that even if its job offers, it’ll be over the job to take well care of her.

Something just feels off the picture.

Playing with my sheet of music, I was still thinking about Chris. There was just something fishy that he just isn't telling us, and it was getting much more interesting to find out. 

"He's not feeling well, need to sleep it off." Dillion came back to the room and told us the update of Chris who wouldn't be turning up for today's tryouts. 

Strangely, I felt myself standing and walking to the door of the room, deciding to go out. 

"Where're you going bro?" Frenathan ask, tapping his fingers on the keyboard with a high note. 

"Out." And closed the goddamn door behind me. 

I took pace and found myself walking to my room. But I felt something... Or rather someone was behind me... Not exactly, but someone sneaking out. I turned my head around but not in time to catch the slightest glimpse of black figure rushing out of the door of the house. It clicked shut almost too immediately and my eyebrows furrow in confusion. Was that Chris? 

Curious, I followed the person out of the door, but when I stepped foot out, the person seem to have disappeared, nowhere to be seen. 


I walked back to my room, passing by Chris and Ronald's bedroom. Chris was the furthest one away from me, though it was just two rooms away. 

I'm not sure what I was doing, but I do know that I wanted to find out more about this guy that was making me curious, and the curious that was eating me. 

I went back to my room to get the group keys; I was the second member in this group that gets to have the entire bunch of keys to access all their rooms. I smirk, thinking how smart I was. Or not. 

Checking if the entire corridor was possibly empty, I fished out the key to Chris's room and plucked it into the keyhole. I turned a few more times and soon the victory of the lock sound opened, making me smile. 

I was just too great. 

Closing back the door quietly, I snuck into his room and noticed that the entire place was screwed up horribly, like a hurricane had just attacked this place. I knew for one thing that Chris wouldn't be here, so I need not worry about that. 

I was walking straight when I accidentally stepped onto something soft, not hard at the same time. It was a photo. A photo of two girls. Narrowing my eyes, I noticed two names scrawled perfectly under the two girls and it read 'Hazel' and 'Crystal'. 

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