Part Sixteen

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Elena's POV

"Hi Jenna, Logan... so are you in Jenna's good books yet, so that you can help me with my history project?" I asked Logan.

"Erm... that depends..." He smiled.

"On..." I prompted.

"Let me take Jenna out to dinner." He smiled.

"Deal," I laughed.

"Erm, do I get a say in this?" Jenna said sounding annoyed.

"Nope, so I wondered do you have any old news reports from the 50s?" I smiled.

"Yes, I'll take you to the News Station; we keep all of the old news reports." He smiled and we got into his car. It didn't take long to get there; luckily. The car journey was so awkwardly silent.

"So here we are if you just type in the date- 1950's was it?" He smiled.

"1953," I nodded.

He smiled and continued, "Type it in and all the events of that year should come up; look at the month you want..." He asked.

"June; June 1953..." I smiled.

"Yes, click on the month June and all the events of that will come up in more detail; when you find what you're looking for you can read the explanation or watch the report; I'll be down the hall if you need anything there's a technician called Dave- he'll help you out. Okay?" He concluded.

"Yes; and thank you." I smiled before he left.

"My pleasure- just make sure Jenna comes on the date." He laughed walking down the hall.

"Will do," I shouted. I went to the first computer and did what he said.

I typed 1953 in the search box and waited for it to load. After a minute all the months came up and I scrolled down until I found June.

I clicked on 1953 June Reports and waited another minute for that to load. When it had all uploaded a scrolled down looking for any animal attack stories; I found one near the bottom of the list.

Tragic! Animal Attack Again!

I clicked on the play button and watched the news report.

"Yes, this is a very tragic story Fred. Sam Salvatore was attacked by an animal in the early hours of this morning. His body is being taken to the morgue to be examined... Oh is that the nephew? By the door his nephew... Stefan Salvatore..."

I zoomed in to see Stefan standing by the door and paused it. I gasped.

It was Stefan; no doubt about it... he was alive in June 1953... what is he? He is not human. I know that for a fact. I can't tell Jeremy; what if Becs is whatever Stefan is? This would crush him. No I need to find out more first. I quickly deleted the history and exited the internet- leaving it how I found it. I did not want people snooping at what I had been looking at.

Caroline's POV

"Caroline... help me." An eerie voice whispered echoed in my ears; sending a shiver down my spine. I looked over my shoulder and saw no one... where had the voice come from? I turned fully around- no one there. I must have imagined it; oh well.

"Caroline! We're all out of sponges." Becs waved her hand in my face.

"Oh sorry; I'll go and get some from the science room." I smiled cheerfully before skipping off in the direction of school.

"Caroline..." The voice whispered again. I looked behind me... nothing there again. I carried on to the science room I tried to open the door but it was locked; damn! I turned around to go to find a key.

"Damon?" I gasped. Damon was standing a few paces in front of me. He looked ill, weak. His face was pale, his hair messy, his clothes dirty, his eyes had faint purple rings under them as though he had no sleep last night.

"Caroline... help me... Caroline..." The voice said. It wasn't any voice it was Damon. But his voice was raspy and it was only a whisper... he was in pain.

"Damon, what happened are you okay?" I asked taking a step forward.

"Caroline... help me..." He whispered again. He seemed to be repeating himself over and over- as if he was a broken record. I looked into his eyes and was suddenly in some sort of trance. I walked out of the school and straight to the Salvatore Boarding House. How did I even know where to go?

I walked straight through the door- without knocking- and walked down a set of stairs. I saw a door and walked up to it. It was like a cellar. "Damon?" I asked peering in.

"Caroline..." Damon whispered.

"How did I know where to come?" I asked a little confused.

"Because I wanted you to..." Was all he said. That didn't really answer my question.

"Caroline unlock the door..." He whispered slowly standing up. I did what I was told. I slowly lifted the heavy lock upwards. As soon I did a shiver went down my spine. Something in my mind was telling me to run; run as fast as I could and not look back.

RUN! My mind shouted. I snapped out of Damon's trance he held on me and ran. I ran as fast as I could and didn't look back. I ran to up the stairs. Something grabbed my foot a kicked and kicked. I knew it was Damon. He let go and I was up on my feet running again. I am running faster than I have ever run before. I quickly rounded the corner and swung the door open. I heard a shriek behind me but I kept running and didn't look back. Tears started flowing down my cheeks; but I don't understand why. Was I scared of Damon? Should I be?

Jeremy's POV

I was on the computer typing up my essay for Alaric when I heard Elena run upstairs. I poked my head out of the door to see her nearly in tears. I hadn't seen her since the car wash; she was meant to tell me what she found but when she came in before she just slammed her bedroom door in my face. Then after about half an hour she ran outside in a hurry and jumped in her car before driving away at full speed.

"Elena what's wrong? Did you get anything from the reports?" I asked.

"No Jer, I'm not in the mood." She snapped before opening her door and slamming it shut behind her. I left her to it and went to finish my essay.

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