Idk how to call this part: potatoes

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"What the fuck... They are asleep." Louis said. "Let them sleep! They look so cute!" Kayleigh whispered. "But what is that under there nose?" Kayleigh asked. "That is a toothpaste mustache." Harry answered. "How do you know that?" Kayleigh laughed. "Well he sended me a picure 4 hours ago with Megan and said: our fancy-toothpast-mustache." "They are completely insane." Zayn said. "Yup..." Liam answered. They took off their coats and sat down on the couch. Suddenly they heard Niall laughing in his sleep. "Niall?" Paola asked. Then they heard him snoring. 'He is deep asleep." Zayn answered to Paola. "It is so cute!" She said. "Well lets sleep, its 12.30 AM." Liam said. "Well... Alright then... Sleep well everyone." Paola said. "Sleep well." The others said and went to bed.

Next day 10.20 AM

"Hmmmmm...." Niall yawned. When he saw Megan laying on him, he started smiling. He kissed her on her head. She woke up very slowely. "Oh my god, sorry Niall I didnt know I fell asleep on your chest..." "Love, don't worry I slept very well, I know you feel great when you're with me." She hugged him tight. I slept very well because I'm with someone who takes care of me.'' Niall started laughing quietly  "Cutie." He said, and sat up straight. "Well, let's set the table...." She stood up and walked in to the kitchen. When she walked past the mirror ,she took a look. " Fuck! Niall why you didn't tell I look like a zombie- panda!" She started laughing. "Because you're so funny and cute at the same time hahahah." He laughed. She went to the bathroom, removed her make-up and set the table. "You're prettier withouth make up." Niall said and hugged her from behind. "You are crazy!" "Yeah thats true." "Well if you do the rest... I make brownies for you. She said and winked at him. "Sounds delicious!"
After 30 minutes Louis woke up.  "Hey, goodmorning." They heard a sleepy Louis saying. "Goodmorning." Niall and Megan said. "What do I smell?" "Megans brownies." Niall reacted. "It smells really nice." Louis answered. "Thank you! Take a seat, I'll wake up the others, the brownies will be ready in 10 minutes." Louis sat down next to Niall. "Well, lad, what are the plannings for today?" "Well, first we were thinking about breakfast on the beach... But I think we'll have lunch on the beach." "Yeah, sounds good!" Louis replied. "What, if we go to an amusement park after the lunch Or go shopping with the ladies?" "Uhm... Well...-" "Let me guess, you had plannings with Meg?" "Yeah, but I think she says its okay if we go shopping or something." "Well, go ask her." Niall sight and walked up the her. "Hey honey, the others are coming!" "Okay, love, Louis asked if we would like to go to an amusement park or go shopping with the squad." "Yeah, sounds good, we can go to the match another day haha." She said. "Okay then!" He kissed her and went back to Louis. "It's okay she said." "Well, that's great! Let's wait until the others are in the room." "Haha, you don't have to wait, they are coming now." Kayleigh said with a sleepy voice. Then Pam, Zayn, Senitila, Harry, Liam , Mary and Adi came into the the room. "Goodmorning everyone." Niall said and yawned. "Goodmorning." The others replied and sat down. "Did you guys sleep well?" Megan asked. "Yeah I dreamed about really funny things haha." Adi answered. "What did you dream?" Mary asked. "I dreamed about a cruise with you guys.... And about mushrooms I don't really know why but okay, and about I met Ed Sheeran and suddenly he asked me to marry him and I was like... Whaaaaaaaat?!" "Omg! That is so weird!" Paola said. "What did you dream, Paola?" "I don't know what I had dreamed about... Something about that we went to the beach and that we had the best time ever bc it was like the What makes you beautiful video clip but then in real life." "Oh my god... that is pretty amazing!" Pam said. "Maybe it will happen in real life..." Niall said mysteriously and looked at Megan. She looked around her. "Wow... Why you're looking at me?" She said nervously. "Why not?" He said and laughed mysteriously. "Stop doing like that! I don't like the way you look at me." She said and laughed nervously. "Am I the only one who thinks what the fuck is going on?" Kayleigh asked. "Nope, you're not." Zayn answered. "
"Well, don't think about it and let's start breakfast I made brownies." Megan said and got the brownies. "Oeh, Megans brownies are the best ones!" Kayleigh whispered to Niall, who sat next to her. "Oh, really?" "Really." "Well, if you want brownies, take some!" Megan said and sat down. "Well let's eat then!" Pam said. And they started eating.
After an hour, everyone finished eating, cleared the table and sat down on the couch. "So, I think we are not gonna lunch on the beach, so we just take some snacks and gonna shop?" Louis asked  "Yeah, sounds good! But we had plannings to lunch on the beach?" Adi asked  "Yeah it was Nialls idea." Harry answered. Niall nodded. "So, everyone likes that idea?" Niall asked. They nodded. Niall looked at Megan who was really quiet. Megan, can I talk to you for a sec?" He asked and took her arm. "Yeah?" "Are you okay?" Niall asked. "Yeah of course I am! Why you ask?" "Because, you was staring and quiet all the time." "Yeah, I was thinking about... Things..." "Things?" "Yeah, things." Niall put his arms around her. "I know there is something. "No, there is nothing, I'm just a little bit worrying about something..." "Tell me abot what?" "It's okay, Niall, Everything is fine as long as youre with me." "I am with you, always, and I am never gonna leave." She hugged him tight. "Thank you, Niall, thanks for everything." "You're my babygirl." They went back to the others. "What's wrong?" Zayn asked. "Nothing, he just asked me something haha." Megan answered. "Uhm... Okay then." "So, do you guys have some plans for now?" "Hmmmm.... Well, we could help you writing songs, or making music..." Paola said. "Mwha... Yeah sounds good.... But I think its better to change our clothes first." Liam said. "That might be a good idea." Kayleigh said and everyone started laughing.
The boys were in Harry's room and all the girls in the bathroom. Then Louis came in. "Oeh.... I see some beautiful girls who actually don't need make up." Louis said. All the girls looked at him. "Oh, love, I guess you wanna impress someone here?" Louis' face turned red. "Don't look so innocent, you know what I'm talkng about." Megan said and winked. "Just kidding." She laughed and turned her face back to the mirror. But louis took her arm and dragged her to Harry's room. "Listen, I got feelings for two girls here, I can't tell you who I mean." He whispered. "Okay... But louis can we talk about this later... I don't have to see you and the boys in your underwear... And you don't have to see me in my underwear." When she turned around and opened the door, someone got her hips. Before she could say let me go, she looked streight into blue eyes. "I haven't got a problem seeing you in your underwear." "Niall... Please... You can hug me all the time after I dressed up, okay?" "Awww... But I want to hug you now!" He fell down on Harry's bed with her in his arms. "Niall... Please.. I love you... And I really wanna kiss you and hug you.. But not right now you are in your underwear and I am in my underwear... So stop kissing me please and let me go!" "Niall... You are not in your own room mate..." Louis said. All the boys were looking at the two. He sight. "Well, I see you when you dressed up." Before she left the room he tried to gave her a kiss. But she pushed him away and left the room. "What?" Niall said confused. "She is shocked I think." Harry said. "Why? It was just a joke..." "Yeah... She alread said, she didnt like that we saw her in her underwear..." Louis said. "But Louis why did you take her to our room?" Liam asked. "Oh I went to the bathroom and something happend." "Okay, but Niall I think you should apologize." Zayn said. "Fuck... It was not my meaning to scare her..." Niall put his clothes on as fast as he could and went to his own room where Megan was. When he opened the door and saw Megan sitting there on the bed, she was reading a book. "Megan..." He walked up to her and sat down next to her. "I'm really sorry... It was not my meaning to scare you... It was just a joke." She looked streight into his eyes and kissed him. They fell on the bed. "Niall, you didnt scare me, I really love you and I love being with you, But the other boys were there, amd everyone was in their underwear..." "Yeah I understand. Well, next time we should do those things here." He hugged her tight and kissed her. "Come, let's go to the others, It's time to go to the beach I think." "Yeah." And they left the room. The others were waiting for them.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 28, 2015 ⏰

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