Harry Potter??!

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Harry potter has updated his status

Ugh, professor snake.. Ahem.. SNAPE, gave me a detention, because I mighta "accidentally" caught his robe on fire.. O.o

And to top it.... It was his favorite... Btw, they're all the same thing!!!!! Ugh



Hermione Granger: Harry? Ugh? That's not a feeling for one, and for two...why did you have to piss off snape?!

Hazel: LANGUAGE!!!

Harry: and who are you?!

Frank: she's mine boy.... 😑

Harry: ummm, I just wanna know who you two are?

Percy: First... Who ah you?!

Annabeth: *are

Percy: I love it when you correct me.... -_- hint hint... * notice the sarcasm in my voice*

Harry: back to me, who in Merlin's beard are you?

Merlin's beard: you called potter?

Ron Weasley: who are they mum?!

Molly Weasley: I don't quite know dear... They havent answered our question yet.

Annabeth: *haven't, and you guys answer first!!

Harry: well, I'm Harry potter... The boy who lived

Ron: I'm a red head. That is poor, and in love with hermione... 😦 *whispers to himself " damn.... I said that out loud?! Who has done this?!

Annabeth _1214: tis I, Ronald Weasley, I am thy author of thy book.

Rick .r. : hey!! I am the author!!

Annabeth _1214: I mean... Ahem of this book, sir. 😯 * goes and curls up in a fetal position.*

Harry: okay.. So, anyone else wanna introduce themselves before these strangers.?


Voldemort: I is VOLDEMORT evil wizard!!! Hehe, and i is going to keel you all... Mwahahaha 😘

Wormtail: um, my lord?

Voldemort: what is it wormtail?

Wormtail: the water balloons are ready, but the nerf guns need work

Voldemort: mwahahaha, potter will never see it coming!!!

Harry: dude, ya know I'm... On, right now, and it's not a private post?

Voldemort: F***....

Annabeth: lan-

Hazel: oh hell no... My line!! LANGUAGE!!!!!!

Harry: answer our question now!

Percy: I am a Greek Demi god, meaning, a son of a god of Olympus, and my father is Poseidon. And my mom is a mortal named Sally Jackson, I defeated Kronos, the father of all the three main gods, hades, Zeus, and Poseidon. He was a meanie... Btw, and yeah, I am the savior of Thalia grace, the daughter of Zeus, but that's another story. I am dating Annabeth chase, so NO touchie!!!! So yeah.

Annabeth: I am a Greek demigod, daughter of Athena, the wise. And I am brilliant, and dating my seaweed brain. Aka Percy Jackson.

Aphrodite: PERCABETH!!!!!!!! ❤️😍

Nico: I am a Demi god, son of hades, and my nick name is death breath.. Ugh, and I am dating Thalia grace.. So any who touches her, I will personally send you to the fields of punishment, for eternity!! 😃, have a nice day!!

Harry: wow.... You guys sound awesome. What kinda magic you do?

Percy: I can create earthquakes, move and bend water, and yeah other stuff...

Leo: I CAN TURN ON FIRE!!!!!!! 😛🌋

Zeus: yeah, well I control the sky's and lighting ⚡️☁️

Poseidon: b*tch please....🌊🌎

Apollo:☀️⛅️ 🌞🌝hehe I is so damn hawt!!!

Athena: -_- *i'm*hot

Artemis: 🌑🌛🌙🌜🌘🌗🌖🌕🌓🌔🌒

Harry: so..... Yeah, gotta go serve detention, see ya guys later!


Percy: I heard there's blues waffles, in the food room!!


-Octavian has logged on-

Octavian: i is not loved!!!

Voldemort: I will love you babe ;)

Octavian: awe Yesh please!!!


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