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We were back in England now, at the airport, and yes, Union J got through. After what happened with George, we acted like normal friends, holding hands occasionally, but that's it really.

Suddenly my phone started to ring. After seeing the Caller ID, I squealed and picked up,

'Aaron!' I screamed,

'Guess who's here to pick you up!' he shouted down the phone. Because he shouted, I could tell where the noise came from. I spun around, and saw my bestest friend ever, Aaron Johnson standing there, with his arms out. (in this Aaron Johnson looks like what he did in Angus Thongs and Perfect Snogging, and he's not famous) I sprinted at him, ignoring the confused X Factor contestants behind me, and practically jumped on the boy. I wrapped my legs around his waist, as he held me, burying my head into his neck.

'Ah god I've missed you so much,' I whispered, tears threatening to escape my eyes. 

'We've only been apart for 2 weeks,' he whispered, his voice soothing me,

'That's too long,' I laughed, lifting my head up as a tear escaped my eye, Aaron wiped it away smiling at me with tears welling up in his eyes.

'Oh my god look at us, we've only been apart for 2 weeks and we're nearly crying,' I laughed, wiping away his tears, and settling myself on the ground.

'I've missed you so much,' he smiled, taking my hand as we walked to my luggage which was still near the X Factor contestants, who were watching us, I could tell.

'How was Vegas?' he asked, swinging our arms, as we walked.

'Oh it was good, nice to get a tan,' I smiled, I cuddled into his side quickly, because I've missed it so much.

'What's this for?' he laughed, looking at me with my arms wrapped the side of his torso as we neared the bags,

'I've missed you so much,' I laughed,

'I've missed you more,' he smiled softly,

'Not possible,' I joked with him, picking up my bag,

'Woah let me help you with that,' he laughed at the size of my bag, ' you're not exactly the definition of a light packer are ya?' he teased, nudging me,

'Oh shut up,' I giggled, pushing him slightly.

'Oh so Scar who's this?' Charlie from MK1 winked at me,

'This is Aaron, he's my baby so back off,' I laughed jokingly wrapping my arms around him,

'So how long have you guys been together for?' George asked suddenly,

'Haha we're not going out,' I smiled, ' we're just best friends,'

'You wish we were going out,' Aaron joked, tickling me,

'Don't flatter yourself handsome,' I smirked,

'You just contradicted yourself by calling me handsome,' he laughed,

'Shush,' I giggled, 

'You guys should so go out,' Jaymi beamed, and I just laughed.

'We should probably get going Scar I've got plans for us tonight,' Aaron mumbled,

'Use protection,' Josh smirked,

'Oh my god Josh that's disgusting he's my best friend,' I giggled, blushing and burying my head in Aaron's chest.

'Aww she's blushing,' JJ cooed,

'Let's just go,' I laughed, grabbing his hand.

'It was nice meeting you guys,' Aaron smiled,

'You too,' they all chorused apart from George. Hmmm jealous much?

'I'll see you guys tomorrow,' I grinned, ' bye love you,'


'Aaron, what were your 'plans' for tonight?' I asked, in the car,

'Well, I don't really have any plans, but the guy with the curly hair was giving me the evils and I felt uncomfortable,' he shrugged, laughing,

'Fair enough,' I smiled,

'We can watch films tonight,' he smiled, ' I'm in London for a week, but then I have to go back home,' 

'No wayyy! Oh and don't worry, I'll visit you loads,' I beamed,

'And I'll visit you all the time,' he smiled.

Now here's the problem. I fancy Aaron, like lots, but I think I'm friendzoned. But then there's George, whenever I'm around him, I feel different, like there is no boundaries in life, I feel free I guess. At this moment, I fancy Aaron, like so much it hurts.


I woke up by Aaron carrying me into Simon's house.

'Mmm what time is it?' I groaned,

'Shh shh go back to sleep babe,' Aaron whispered, kissing my forehead. He opened the door with my keys, closed it, and carried me up to my room. He layed he down in my bed after taking my shoes off, tucked me in and kissed my forehead.

'I've got to go now, I'm staying at this hotel called the Corinthia, sleep well, love you,' he whispered,

'No Aaron stay,' I moaned, grabbing his arm, ' you can stay here for the week,'

'I can't do that, it would be intruding and-'

'Aaron just come on,' I whined, tugging on his arm, still half asleep,

'Ok then,' he sighed, ' just for you,' taking off his shoes, he layed down next to me, and I cuddled up to him.

'I love you so much Aaron,' I mumbled tiredly, 

'I love you too Scar, now get some sleep,' he smiled, kissing my forehead.


George's POV

I watched as the blonde slut strolled out of my room, swaying her hips. I fucked that bitch senseless last night. I have this problem ok, when I'm upset or angry or jealous, I resort to this. It's disgusting I know, but I can't say I don't enjoy it.

After seeing how happy Scar was with Aaron yesterday I knew that there was no chance. He would be her first time, her boyfriend and all of that, even thought they claimed just to be best friends.

 They won't be.

Aaron is on the side :) cote x

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 30, 2013 ⏰

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