Part 1

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Message: Once again. This fanfic is not mine, I'm only getting this fanfic on here for people that don't have access to fim or only has wattpad for their fanfiction needs. So please support the official release. Also all rights go to Hasbro and My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic.
Art by:  I couldn't find the person that made it but all I know it was a cover for a YouTube video.

The evening sun hung low in the sky, drenching the rolling hills of Ponyville's countryside in its light. The trees and grass all lay still and calm near the dirt path towards town. A small, cream colored shape peeked over the horizon, bouncing along merrily. Little Apple Bloom's pink bow bobbed up and down as she trotted home, humming a tune and thinking about today's activities. She and the other Cutie-Mark Crusaders had been taken to the park that day by Sweetie Belle's older sister Rarity, but now it was time for Apple Bloom to return home to Sweet Apple Acres.
The tiny earth pony slowed as she neared a fork in the road. An old looking sign-post was stuck in the ground. She stopped to look at both signs adorning it:

[ Ponyville ->]
[<- Ever Free Forest ☠]
Apple Bloom shrugged and turned in the direction of Ponyville. Before she started trotting however, she noticed another pony approaching from town. It was her friend, Twilight Sparkle. The purple unicorn wore a pair of saddle bags on her side, and she smiled as she approached Apple Bloom standing there in the road.
"Good evening Apple Bloom. What's a little filly like you doing out here all alone?" Twilight asked the little earth pony.
"Hi Twilight," Apple Bloom squeaked happily, "Ah' was just on ma' way home. You wouldn't believe what happened at the park today. We were all hangin' out ya' see..."
"That's quite alright Apple Bloom, I was just..." Twilight tried to interrupt Apple Bloom's story, but she wasn't fast enough.
"...And so Sweetie Belle thought we got lost..."
"Uh huh."
"...So Scootaloo yells, 'Cutie-Mark Crusader Park Rangers!'"
"I'm sure that was very fun."
"...And she's all like, 'That's not what a bear sounds like Apple Bloom!'"
"Well Apple Bloom that all sounds very interesting, but I really need to get going." Twilight stated bluntly as she turned to leave. Apple Bloom continued her story even as she lost Twilight's attention.
"...Every. Last. One! Can you believe that!?" Apple Bloom finished with a chuckle before she realized Twilight had walked away. She quickly trotted after her. "Hey, where're ya' goin' Twilight?"
"I'm heading to Zecora's to deliver some books on natural herbs in the area. But I need to hurry. I really don't want to be out after dark." Twilight looked up as she trotted. The sun was just beginning to touch the tree tops as it sank lower in the sky.
"Ooooooh, can I come with you?" Apple Bloom asked excitedly, bounding with each step as she followed Twilight. Twilight stopped at the request, turning to look at the filly.
"I'm sorry Apple Bloom, but the Ever Free Forest is really no place for such a little filly like you. It's dangerous." Twilight said sternly, Apple Bloom frowned as she was told this.
"But I'm not that small, and I can be super careful. Please please please please please?!" Apple Bloom hopped up and down in place, trying to sway the purple unicorn. Twilight shook her head despite the barrage.
"Sorry Apple Bloom but I really don't think—" Before Twilight could finish, Apple Bloom plopped down on her haunches and inhaled deeply. Her eyes grew adorably wide as she let loose:
"...It's just too..."
"...There's just too many..."
"Alright, alright! Enough, you can come with me." Twilight shouted, trying to halt the filly's never-ending whine. Apple Bloom stopped immediately and hopped to her hooves, ready to go with a smile. " have to promise to stay right by my side the whole time okay?"
"Ah' promise! Thank you Twilight, let's go!" Apple Bloom said cheerfully, staying right next to Twilight as the pair trotted toward the entrance to the Ever Free Forest. The forest loomed over the two ponies as they approached. Shadows danced with the evening glow from the sun shining through the canopy. Apple Bloom marveled at the sight as she followed Twilight through a gap in the tree line.

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