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The song is a dedication to the fans.
Roots gets its name because of the return to the original influences of Nights Visions- hip hop and electronic. The album cover recalls memories of their first major EP, Continued Silence. In a way it is the band saying that they remain humble and remember the past. That they won't change the core of their music and- most importantly- their hearts. Basically they won't be getting their heads wrapped in the noxious cloud of fame anytime soon.

The overall message to the song is, when you're depressed or feel like you've hit "rock bottom", you always have your "roots", or family to turn to. And that sometimes things like that are necessary for a personal life change or revelation.

/Don't throw stones at me/
Don't make judgements or assumptions about me. Don't bully (for lack of a better word) me

/Don't tell anybody/
Don't be spreading things around that may be secretive. Don't tell anyone that ⬇️

/Trouble finds me/
It's not always my fault; I seem to be a magnet for bad things/trouble/bad luck

/All the noise of this
Made me lose my belief/
This could be referring to religion or society.
In previous statements, Dan admits that he identifies as Mormon, but isn't heavy on that. His parents were conservative Mormons, but Dan was always the rebel in a way. (All his other siblings-8 or so- became doctors or lawyers whereas he wanted to pursue being a "rockstar", much to his parents dislike). Since his teenage years, he's been trying to find his own way, both in a career path and faith-wise. Perhaps this means because of so much commotion lately, he is drifting away from the religion?
All of the controversies lately and awful things happening might have made the artist lose some faith in society to a degree

/I'm going back to my roots/
(The way it's said is a faster tempo than the rest of the song, signifying the artist is fed up and makes the choice after coming to the realization)
Artist wants to return to the family and friends that have been there with them in their whole life. (Maybe in this particular situation, Dan feels like he's lost his individuality by being so famous and wants to go back to the people that know him for who he is? i.e. Family)
Maybe it could also be reflecting upon the early days of the band, and realizing how far they've come

/Another Day
Another door
Another high
Another low/
These patterns can be found in "Round and Round", where artist points out that were just living in the same pattern every day. In this case, these lyrics may be referencing to depression, where it may feel like the days are empty and repetitive.

/Rock bottom x3/
Where it feels like you've hit your lowest point. Outlook on life looks bleak from here.


/Had to lose my way
To know which road to pave/
Sometimes when you're at "Rock bottom", you'll find the right road to take. Sometimes bad things have to happen in order for the good to come. (Could be a personal reference to how Dan felt like college wasn't working for him. When he dropped out, this was his rock bottom. According to Dan he was in a dark place at the time, where he began to tap out the first beats to their first huge single, "It's Time". From there, he found his calling and eventually it led him to the stardom he has today.)

/Trouble found me/

/All I look for was
Washed away by a wave/
Had to start from scratch all over


/I know it's gotta go like this I know
Hell will always come before you grow/
Sometimes it's inevitable that bad things happen. For the artist it's like it happens before he is prepared to handle it

/Trouble found me x2
I know it's gotta go like this
I know
Hell will always come before you grow
Trouble found me x3
I'm going back to my roots
Another day
Another door
Another high
Another low
Rock bottom x3
I'm going back to my roots/


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