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Diamond POV

GUESS WHAT YALL I AM SO HAPPY TODAY BECAUSE TODAY IS LAYLA BIRTHDAY AND IM SO HAPPY BUT SAD AT THE SAME TIME BECAUSE MY BABY IS GROWING U SO FAST CAUSE ITS JUST LIKE YESTERDAY I WAS PUSHING HER OUT AND CHANGING HER DIAPERS AND NOW SHE'S TURNING ONE AND LEARNING NEW WORDS.....OOOHHH LET ME TELL YALL ONE DAY SHE WAS PLAYING IN THE KITCHEN AND BROKE SOME GLASS After me and august told her to stop so when the glass broke august went in there and she was standing there looking and they was just standing there looking at each other he told her to go sit down she told him NO so he told her to sit her ass down and she told him to sit her ass down and I looked back and august popped her and she started crying then she yelled at him and told her to sit her ass down and she just stood there mugging the shit out of him so he picked her up and she started yelling and crying trying to get down so he sat her down on the sofa and told her don't move so she got off the sofa and hit august and turned and popped my baby on her hand so dmn hard it wasn't even funny but he shouldn't have did it but she is a handful and as far as Amya she don't talk to august no more so idk what the deal is

(August Alsina)Is My StepdadWhere stories live. Discover now