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We're so free!

Yet we're still trapped,

Where feelings mean everything,

Our actions mean nothing.

Intentions are what matter,

Not the end result.

Why are we told that we're special,

And unique snowflakes,

And that God loves us.

But we're all the same shit.

You know this as well as I do,

You hate this as much as I do.

But we know the world we

Have grown to know and love,

Will collapse under the pressure

Of fake promises

And contradictory laws.

Why haven't we died yet?

I'm weak, you're strong,

I'm healthy, you're not.

By now we should've found

A magic potion to help,

But you're still dying.

Are you afraid of death?

No, you say, death is...

My only prayer right now.

I only wish for death

Every minute of my life,

I hope for death.

I live to die.

But society won't let you.

It's taboo in society,

You tell me they're wasting time

And taxpayer's money

On someone who'll only find

Joy in death, trying to save him.

They've branded you as a

Mental health patient,

But they haven't given up.

Why won't they just give up?!

All your hate, a drop of alligator blood

The black birds are burning in the skies

Children surrender and are blessed with a curse.

Don't go into the city of sins

Teens and adults sing and scream

We're defined by defiance.

By rebellion.

We're different,

The outcasts of our society

Taboo and swept under the carpet.

We scream behind bars,

Jailed for things we didn't do,

Raped and abused,

Sold for cigarettes,

They took one look at us and said,

You're guilty.

You thought an evil thought,

Go pay us your time.

We only tried to help,

And save a woman's life.

Behind these bars

Your mental health

Means nothing.

You force yourself into

Danger, hoping to finally die.

In the intimate night

You scream my name.

Your tears spill onto dirty sheets.

You claw at my skin,

So our blood combines.

You don't care anymore.

You've completely given up,

You can't fight anymore.

You don't go for meals.

Even though the guards beat you,

You don't rise from your bed.

They didn't let you take the pills there.

Then your bed is taken away,

You just lie on the cold concrete,

You haven't slept for weeks.

Your arm has gotten infected.

You scratched too much.

They don't care.

You pick at the scabs,

And bleed when I can't see you.

You've lost all your drive.

Apart from your desire to die.

You need antibiotics,

I try to shake this into you,

You just smile sadly.

You're vomiting a lot now.

Your scratches are black.

You still refuse to show them to the medic.

They no longer listen to me.

You don't smile anymore.

You don't cry or frown or be bored.

You're just empty space.

In a month you die.

Your death swept under the rug.

Only I care.

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