Chasing Cars

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Not a Hero/The Curious Ones inspired

We'll do it all . . . everything . . . on our own.

Breathe in, breathe out. Everything was going to be alright. It may not seem like it, but it would be. Eventually. Hopefully. Just keep singing, just keep singing the song. Focus on it, not on . . . him.

We don't need . . . anything . . . or anyone.

It was cruelly ironic, or at least she thought it to be, for this happen right when it did. And it felt like her fault. In actuality it wasn't, but it seemed like she would never forget the "what if".

If I lay here . . . if I just lay here . . . would you lay with me and just forget the world?

She would have, she truly would have. Yes, she would have given up everything to be with him. She would have never sung again. Now, singing was all that sustained her. What could she do?

I don't quite know . . . how to say . . . how I feel.

This was always the case with them, for he was almost always gone. Nevertheless, when he was present, she only had fond memories of him. Now, she might not have anymore. Keep singing.

Those three words . . . are said too much . . . they're not enough.

That was why she was going to go with him, to leave everything behind. She finally understood, too late, that they were different. Her action would be telling, but then the chance was taken from them.

If I lay here . . . if I just lay here . . . would you lay with me and just forget the world?

She caressed his lukewarm cheek, ignoring the cold from the pavement causing her to cringe. He tried to support her, to do something for her benefit, to see her perform. Sing, specifically.

Forget what we're told . . . before we get too old . . . show me a garden that's bursting into life.

Earlier in the night he had asked her to run away with him, to the safe place, but she had refused. She had a performance, a promising event of her normal life. She didn't want to be different.

Let's waste time . . . chasing cars . . . around our heads.

He had accepted his fate early on, shortly after it became evident, but then she came along. He knew right away, and he balanced a double life because of her. One day, he would hope to take her along with him. He couldn't tell her before she knew herself, and by then she did not want to go. She thought he had left earlier, as he always would, but this time he didn't. He was going to watch her perform for the first time. She felt teardrops running down her cheeks as she continued to sing, not thinking about what would have happened if she would have said "yes" earlier. He wouldn't have come, not been hit by the car.

If I lay here . . . If I just lay here . . . Would you lay with me and just forget the world?

She was selfish, grasping desperately to a false sense of normalcy she knew would not last. He was unselfish, always looking out for her, ever patient. She had never known, never understood before.

All that I am .  . . all that I ever was . . . is here in your perfect eyes, they're all I can see.

She looked at his closed eyes, picturing underneath, eyes the exact same colors as her own. She had to do something. After the song. Fix it. He had faith in her, she just had to accept her own . . . ability.

I don't know where . . . confused about how as well . . . just know that these things will never change for us at all.

Thankfully she had felt the urge to dash off of the stage, a certain pull to his location. He was alone after the accident, but she found him, still alive. He called her a healer, now it time to fulfill her role.

If I lay here . . . if I just lay here . . . would you lay with me and just forget the world?

She closed her eyes and accepted everything, how nothing would be the same yet everything would be right. Everything would be alright, just breathe. The song is over. His eyes open, a new life begins.

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