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Hello Internet, my name is Me- You know what? You can call me crybaby. After a few years of holding this in, I decided to share my story with the whole world. It's a story worth telling indeed, so if you would like, stick along and read my internet memoir/online diary thing/blog/what else do I call this.

Now allow me to introduce myself...


I'll have you know I'm a 17 year old girl who lives in the suburbs. Being that I have a very well paid father, my house is giant, I don't mind, it's nice.

I have shortish hair that I dye often, but if I want I can use extensions (like I said, my family is rich I can have basically whatever I want....) *except a normal life* *cough cough* what..... Who said that..


Besides looks and all that superficial crap, there's something else you should know about me.

I guess.... You could find out from more than one or two sources that I cry quite a lot. Like a crybaby.

Honestly, if people knew what I've been through, they'd understand why I have shed so many tears. However, on more than one occasion have people told me I cry over nonsense.

By nonsense I mean small comments people make, ect.

I don't get it though, why is crying such a bad thing, I thought crying was good for you to do.

Whatever, I'll admit, I have cried quite a lot, so yeah I'm a crybaby. But I mean who cares. Not me.....

They call me crybaby, crybaby, but I don't even care.

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