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I'm using present tense for this chapter because saying (was) just throws everything off. But everything I'm saying has already happened. Obviously, since I'm telling a story ~ Crybaby

Why should I even try to beat around the bush, I'm just gonna go ahead and say it.

My father is cheating on my mother, my mother is an alcoholic, and my brother smokes weed.


My father has been cheating on mother for a while. It's this thing where my father thinks none of us know, when really me, my brother, and my brother all know about his affair with this other lady. To take away the pain, my mother drinks, a lot..... As for my brother, maybe that's why he smokes cannabis, to numb the pain. How could our father betray my mother like that? It's like betraying the whole family.

It's weird though, we all have our big problems that we're facing, but when other people get involved with us we act like one perfect family.

We act like none of us are hurting, when really, all that's that's filling our minds is pain. Mostly my mother, she is going through the most pain.

As for me and my brother, my brother is quiet so maybe that's why he just smokes weed inside his room. Me, well I'm not necessarily the quiet one, so I just let out my emotions through crying.

You wouldn't think that my father's affairs would bring all of us down, but it does. It's a wonder that we all can play "perfect family" when we need to.....

Everyone thinks that we're perfect. Please don't let them look through the curtains.

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