Chapter 6

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I unlocked our doors and we climbed inside. He gave me the directions to his hotel and I pulled in the parking lot.

"I'll be just a minute, need to grab a few things."  I smiled and he got out. I turned the car off and checked my bags in the backseat to make sure I have all my things for tonight.

Then I pulled my phone out to update my Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook pages when I noticed all apps had 30+ notifications. Pictures of me and Chandler flooded my timelines.

Some with nice comments and some with hate, but like my agent said,  publicity, good or bad, is publicity. I shut my phone off and started the car again and noticed Chandler walking towards the car again.

I pulled the directions to the brewery up on my TomTom™ and headed towards the highway.

"We have about an hour and a half before we get there, the hotel is only a block away so we'll check in first....... Chandler....... Chan.....?" I asked not taking my eyes off the road, then I finally looked over a little annoyed and meet his gaze. "What?" I asked

"Nothing, I just can't believe this is happening."

"Chandler I'm not that big of a star. I don't know why your star struck." I giggled looking back at the road.

"You may not thing you are, but your a big star to me." He then leaded over and kissed my cheek.

Authors Note~
Hey guys. I know I don't do these and if I do it's not every chapter, but I would like some feed back on the story so far, your thoughts on if it's progressing to slow or whatever, okay thanks and happy holidays!

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