Chapter Two

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After Care of Magical Creatures, Harry sped to The Great Hall and left Ron and Hermione behind. What kept Harry's mind racing was the fact that Draco didn't deprecate him or anything. That's not something anyone would get out of Draco.
Harry helped himself to massive helpings of Shepherd's Pie whilst eyeing the entrance to The Great Hall. Surely Ron and Hermione would be looking for him...
Although the main course was interchanged with enticing desserts now, Ron and Hermione still didn't show up. Thoughts that they didn't want to be his friend anymore kept swimming in Harry's mind.
He departed the hall and advanced casually, looking at the ground as if it were an interesting movie. He heard a familiar voice. He looked up and saw a blonde head, glistening in the sunlight. Draco. Harry automatically changed the way he was going and went through another more far-off path.
A slightly confusing pain had hit him in his midriff. What if Draco knew that his crush on him wasn't so little anymore? What would he say?
Once he reached the portrait of The Fat Lady and told her the password hesitantly, he found Ron and Hermione sitting on a desk, just the two of them. Hermione looked as if she was doing Ron a favor with his studies while he wasn't paying any attention and instead interested in the wax that was on the table.
"Hey, where've you been?" asked Harry, regretting the words coming out of his mouth. Hermione's head suddenly shot up.
"You are asking us where we've been? Where have you been when we were supposed to study for our upcoming OWL's?" shouted Hermione, so that all of the heads in the common room turned in their direction.
"You can't blame a man if he's hungry," Harry said, sarcastically.
"Ugh! You two act as if OWL's are just examinations!" She was now addressing both Harry and Ron.
"Well, it is if you think about it," replied Ron while he was chipping some parts of the wax off of the deteriorated table.
"I'm going upstairs and I hold no responsibility for you two idiots failing. I've done my part," Hermione said, with an irritated expression on her face.
"She needs to sort out her priorities," Harry and Ron chuckled as Hermione made her way up to the Girls' Dormitory.
"Anything new happened at the hall?" asked Ron, hopeful for an exciting answer ever since Fred and George left Hogwarts. Harry shook his head no. He suddenly recalled seeing Draco's laughing face while walking down one of the corridors. It made him happy to see him smiling but he knew that the reason that smile appeared on his face was because of something callous.
"Oi, you alright?" asked Ron, peering into Harry's face.
"Yeah, yeah I'm alright," answered Harry as he looked up from the antsy wooden floor.
"You were smiling. Anything good happened to you while you were there?"
"No, no I just remembered something funny happening in one of the corridors before Potions," Harry answered, hoping that what he had told Ron was convincing.
Ron smirked slightly.

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