The Aspect of Agonizing

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~"There's only one way to happiness, and that is to cease worrying things which are beyond the power of your will."~

A quiet snap was all you needed to hear for you to throw your restless self out of bed. Taking in slow breaths, you assure yourself that it was only the apartment shifting. Then you take notice of the empty bed, it was 2 a.m. and he still isn't home. This was becoming a problem, you knew your husband's job occasionally required him to work late, yet you couldn't help but worry and therefore resulted in a lack of sleep for you. You just wanted him home, safe, and holding you securely in his arms.
Quickly turning your nightside lamp on, you decided that maybe all you needed was a snack. Smiling at the idea, you made your way to the refrigerator and took out milk, then got a bowl for your favorite cereal. You attempted to make yourself go numb from thoughts as you ate, but that proved to be difficult. Groaning, you lifted your head up from the now empty bowl, that didn't help. 'What if' thoughts continued to run through your head, making you tremble. Suddenly something caught your eye, it was sitting right across from you above the fireplace, it was a picture of you and your husband. In an instant you were holding the wooden frame in your hand, admiring the moment captured in it. It was the day after you two were married, surprisingly it has only been a few months, but you remembered the day. He was very persistent in taking you on a first date as newlyweds, he had taken you to all of your favorite places and ended the day at a park that happened to be having its annual light showing that night. He noticed a gazebo that had people lined up to take pictures in it, with a smirk he pulled you over to wait in the long line. When it was both of your turn's, it was just going to be a casual picture, a arm wrapped around another, but right before the picture was taken he pulled you in for a deep kiss. The camera flashed before you could change your shocked expression.
You laughed to yourself as you studied your wide (color) eyes, bright red face, and messy (color) hair. Though your eyes were quick to drift to study your husband, who looked almost unfazed at his actions, his emerald eyes slightly open to watch your reaction. How did you get to be so lucky to end up with him? He was perfect, from his short black hair that he always styled, flawless pale skin, dark green eyes, but more importantly you loved how kind he is, he always kept your best interest in mind.
Just when you were beginning to calm down enough from thinking about happy times, negative thoughts slowly shadowed over them. How long am I going to get to be with him? Will we fight? Will I always be good enough? What if something happens to him? What would I do if my only love was gone? Can I bear that pain? What if he gets hurt or leaves me soon? What if he never comes home tonight? You suddenly collapsed to the ground as you're shaking made you unable to stand anymore. Your breathing ragged, you laid there on the floor, gripping the area where your heart was beating uncontrollably....

He was late. God, he knew he was late. As he drove down the crowded highway, he could almost picture his beautiful wife nervously tossing and turning in their bed, waiting for him to be there to comfort her. He had always known her to be worrisome, that was one of her very few flaws. So he made a promise to himself to be there for her in those moments she was most vulnerable. He might be a little emotionless and come off as egocentric, but when it came to you he overcame that. And because of that promise, he was driving a little faster than normal. His thoughts consume him and he was no longer paying attention, you were the only thing on his mind. Please don't worry. I will be there soon to comfort you. Hopefully you're asleep and dreaming sweet things. It kills me to see you upset over me. I promise I'll be there soon. I promise I will hold you tightly when I get home.
Suddenly the car in front of him put on their brakes, his car easily crushed like a can against the stopped car, maybe if he wasn't so distracted when he got into his car then he would've remembered to put on his seatbelt. The impact had him flying through the front windshield, slamming his cut up body into the other car, and rolling roughly to the ground, hitting his head in the process. It was surprising he was still conscious. Vision blurred, he laid there on the cold road, coughing up blood as his lungs quickly filled up with the red substance. He felt numb in those final moments, he had broken his promise. His heart felt as if it had completely bleed out, he was now empty. His heart was no longer beating, no longer full of the hope and passion he had for your shared future. I'm so sorry (name). I will never stop loving you. That being his final thought before he coughed once more and his blood fully drowned him from the inside.

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