Chapter 25: To Kill Is To Be Killed

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*Caitlyn’s POV*

It didn’t take me long to find the abandoned building in the rough skirts of L.A. It was fenced off and I could see a few armed men hanging around outside. I may have been a good fighter and anticipator, but there was no way in hell I could out-move a bullet. It was bright and slightly hot outside, and I could see the men sweating and cursing at each other. I noticed one disappearing toward the back, bringing out a pack of smokes.

I followed him back there, keeping to the edge and out of sight from anyone. I heard a phone ring and he brought out a prepaid phone, flipping it open and began to walk again, trying to light a cigarette as he did so. I climbed up over the fence then, jumping over and landing on my feet. I stood beside a dumpster nearby, looking for some kind of weapon I knew would knock the scrawny boy out.

Finding a 2x4 wood cut-off seemed to magically show off to me. I grabbed it, listening to the guy bark orders into the phone while puffing on his cigarette. “I don’t care what Joseph said about the loan! You better fucking find their asses and make sure they pay back what they owe!”

I heard the dramatic shut of his phone. “Damn pussies, always leaving me to clean up the mess…”

He neared and I stepped out, swinging the board to where it connected to his temple. His eyes rolled back before slumping on the ground. I threw the board to the side and grabbed the man by his underarms to drag him back out of view beside the dumpster. I checked his pockets after I was done, finding a nice pistol. Checking its contents, it was fully loaded and ready to be used.

I stuck it in my pants. There was no way I would be able to sneak into the building into the front without either getting shot at or alarming whatever army was in the building. I jumped up on the dumpster, seeing a broken window. Good, an opening.

I looked in, seeing where the window lead into. It was a small dark room. I slid in, making sure not to get cut by any the glass. I managed to somewhat land softly on my feet. I looked around, trying to see around with the small light given off by the window. I didn’t want to risk getting caught by anyone, so my resolve became clean as I laid eyes on the air vent that hung from the ceiling.

I wasn’t sure if I could trust them, but it was my best bet for now. I climbed up into them, not sure in where to go. I decided to follow the voices, hoping to hear someone slip any news on Louis. I found myself at the end of a vent. Sighing in annoyance, I started to turn around until I heard a voice break. “What do you mean you can’t find her? She should’ve been on that bus along with those boys!”

I felt my blood beginning to boil. That voice belonged to my ‘mother’, Agent Landon. “I’m sorry.” I heard another voice speak up. “She’s nowhere in sight as far as my boys can see.”

I gently grabbed at the metal plate, slowly lifting it and gently placing it aside. I reached behind me, grabbing the gun I kept in my pants. I pulled it out, holding it up with one hand. “You better do a better job…” I looked down, seeing the woman grabbed the man by the collar. She had her own gun out, pointing it at his temple. “or I’ll just have to take care of the job myself.”

She let him go and he took in a deep breath. “Yes, ma’am.”

He left. I took it as my chance. I jumped down from the vent behind the woman, gun pointing at her. “What’s this?” I heard her taunt. “I never took you to be the type to point a gun at someone’s back, especially your own mother, Caitlyn.”

She slowly turned, arms casually at her sides. “Maybe you’re here to watch the show? I’m sure your father wouldn’t mind you watching. I mean, it’s not every day one gets the chance to see a naive boy die for the one he loves.”

“You bitch.” I spat. “You’re not my mother. No way in hell is Carl my father either.”

“Ah, so you know? I guess I shouldn’t be surprise. Morgan isn’t the type to ever be loyal toward his employers. I should’ve killed him off long ago.”

I felt a scream escape my throat as I dropped my gun and latched out at her. I knew I should’ve just let out the bullet right then and there, but there was so much loathing I had toward her and I wanted to release it through my fist. She dodged, only for me to bring my elbow back, it connecting with the side of her face. She was quick to fight back, trying to latch out in punches and kicks.

The space was small, so it didn’t take long before she tackled me onto the ground, pinning me down and began to choke me to death. With one hand, I tried to pry her arms off, which was failing miserably. My other hand was trying to grasp for something. It finally landed on something glass-like. I swung it up, it shattering as it hit the side of her head and she fell off of me and onto her back. I started coughing for breath, looking around. I saw my gun and I quickly reached for it.

I turned toward her, where she was still stunned from the hit received by the glass bottle. A gaping cut was seen on the side of her head with blood pouring down the side of her face. She saw the gun I was pointing and she held up her hands, almost desperate. “Caitlyn… pl-please… let’s try and be reasonable…”

A guarded expression came over my face, my eyes I knew turning into the devil’s look. “You wanted me to grow up to be a murderer.” I said to her. “You were going to use me for money. Even now, you are. Let me tell you one thing: It’s one thing to try and kill me, but when you bring the people I care about into this, I get angry. So angry…” I felt a smirk pulling along my lips. “I might just do what you wanted me to do all along.”

I pulled the trigger then. I barely heard the bang in my ears. Her eyes widened some as she fell backward onto the floor, staring up at the ceiling. She was dead.

I couldn’t let myself be run with emotions now. Louis needed me. I had to save him.

So I climbed back up into the vent, making my way to him.

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