Promise me...For the Last Time

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After Minho and his friends entered the paradise,they become the leaders.It's because all the people think that they leads them here so they should lead them too.They don't want to refuse them.So they started to give a job to people.

Things finally settled after an hour.Minho is exhausted.Suddenly a question pop in his head,"Where is Newt?"He knew he gots flare.He knew that he maybe dead already.But he just can't forget this question.

He decided to ask Thomas to see if he has any idea.When Thomas see Minho,he seems so nervous.

"Hey Thomas."Minho said."H-hi,um,Minho."Thomas mumbled."Are you okay?You acting strangely."Minho started to look at him closer."Yea,I'm okay!I'm totally fine!Um,is there anything I can help you with?Thomas smiled awkwardly."Yes,I have a question.Do you know what happened to Newt?I know he was in the Palace.But did you heard anything while you were in WICKED department?Even just his name?Please if you know anything just tell me!"Minho almost yelled at Thomas.

He was really worried about him.His heart beat faster than usual.He still believe that Newt is good.Even he maybe a crank now,he doesn't care.He just wants him to live.

"No...I-I-I don't know.The last time I see him is in the Palace.I don't think I know anything.No,I really don't know what happens to him."Thomas mumbled again.

"What are you hiding from me."Minho said and starring at Thomas eyes."I said I don't know---"Minho pushes Thomas to the wall and seized him by his collar.


"Minho,just clam down.I---""TELL ME!!!"Minho yelled at Thomas and push him to the wall more tightly."He's dead,okay?He is shucking dead!Stop it Minho!"Thomas shouted at him.

"What?..."Minho is shocked.He fell on the floor and keep mumbling"You're lying."Minho,clam down."Thomas tried to comfort him but it doesn't work."You gotta be kidding,right?He's just a crank now,he is okay.That's what happens,right Thomas?"Minho said with hope.

"'s not,Minho.I'm really sorry."Thomas said and squat to talk to him."I know it's hard to believe but you gotta face the truth.You know it."he said softly.

"Who?Who did that?Who or what kill him?"Minho said nervously.His eyes is full of fear."Minho,I...I know you love him and you care about him so much but...but I afraid I can't tell you."Thomas said.He doesn't want to tell Minho.At least not now.He doesn't want Minho to be more sad.

"Please."Minho said."Please,Thomas.Tell me.I'm begging you."Minho said softly.He never sees Minho be like this."I really can't.I'm so sorry."Thomas said.

"Please,Thomas."Minho said it again"Please?"That's sentence remind Thomas of Newt.He knew that Newt would not like to see Minho be like this.

"It's me."Thomas said."He wanted me to kill him.He said he doesn't want to be a crank.I'm sorry Minho."

Minho was sitting on the ground with tears.He was crying.Thomas never see him cry.

"I'm sorry."Thomas said quietly."I hate you."Minho mumbled.Thomas want to say something to comfort him but he afraid that Minho just gonna hate him more.So he just sitting there with Minho.

Suddenly,Minho stand up and run away really quickly."Hey Minho,where are you going?"Thomas yelled and chased behind him.He is too fast.Thomas barely keep up.

When he turns,he see Minho standing next to a cliff.

"Minho,clam down.I know you hate me but just listen to me.It's danger.Come over here!"Thomas said."No,you don't get it."Minho said emotionlessly.

Promise me...For The Last Time(A Minewt Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now