Never Disrespect Your teacher,Miss Dearborn.

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I had to admit, keeping up with the bells and finding my classes was actually tiring. I sighed. I looked at my sheet.

Potions-Professor Snape-12:45 pm- dungeons-1st years-Slytherin/Gryffindor

Great. I had about four minutes to get from one side of the school to the other. I laughed and turned behind a statue. Yes I had been here less then 24 hours and already knew most of the passage ways thanks to a Fred and George Wealsey.

I came out around a corner from the potions room. I hurried around and slid into my stool, taking out my potions text, a book and a quill, copying out the notes on the board eagerly. I blasted through the notes and put down my quill, picking up my potions text book and opening to chapter 7. I had read a bit of it last night.

The bell rang finally and Professor Snape turned and I looked around. Only one other student had managed to squeeze in and he sat at the back, absently staring into space. Snape shook his head and slammed his potions text book open

“Okay, students, copy down the notes and open your books to page 6,” I sat still reading page 177. I had memorized page 6 already. I was in the midst of memorizing the entrancing potion Blood-Replenishing Potion when Professor Snape slapped his hand down on the desk.

I jerked my head up to look at him.

“Not doing what you are told I see. You may be used to disobeying people but in my class you will do as I say,” He said glaring.

“No, sir, I am not. I have taken the notes,” I said, pushing my notes with perfect calligraphy towards him.

He glared at it.

“I see you have feinted reading page 6,”

“No, Professor, I have already read it,” I replied.

“Oh have you now? Would you mind telling me what potion is on it?”

“Hate Potion,”

“What does it do?” He asked as everyone else started filing in.

“Reveals the worst faults and habits of the target person to the drinker, recommended to gget over emotional ettachments to people who don’t love them,”

“Name one ingredient to put in it!” He challenged.

“2 leaves of Belladonna,” I replied back.

He stood up straight and went to the ffront of the classroom repeating to the class what they were suppose to do.

“Tatum,” He said turning to me. “Come here,”

I slowly walked up to him.

“Since you know so much already why don’t you start your potion,”

“Sure enough,master, where is the cupboard?” I smirked.

He pointed over to a towering cupboard and I slowly walked over to it. It took me a matter of seconds to gather all the ingredients I needed and I brought them back to my desk. I waited before starting because I knew severus was having troubles not running over here and trying to rub something in my face. If there was anything he hated more was to be wrong. Soon enough I looked up and he had his onyx eyes set on my desk. He casually walked over.

“Well,” He gave the ingredients a once over. “Why aren’t you getting started!”

I jumped at harsh command and started. In all honesty I had no clue what I was doing. I followed the directions and it turned a black color. It had a poison smell and I feared I had done it wrong.

The professor seeming, as always, to be able to smell fear came walking around my table at that moment as I was hurridley flipping through my book to see if I had done it right.

He took a look at it and smirked. “Well, child, why don’t you take a drink of it?”

“Because I do not wish to see faults in people I love,”

“Miss Dearborn, take a vile now!”

I grabbed one of my normal crystal viles, choosing to use the normal one’s not the everlasting ones, and dunked it in the potion desperately hoping I would melt my hand off. I slowly brought the oozing black liquid to my lips and down the entire contents.

The whole class sat and waited. I felt nothing. No hideous thoughts, nothing.

“Well?” The professor asked impatiently.

“Nothing,” I said puzzled.”Guess I did it wrong,”

“GRANGER!” He called. The bushy awkward girl I had seen on the train hurried forward. “Try it!”

“But she said it didn’t work?”

“Are you disobeying me?”

“No sir!” She said while I handed her a flask. She quickly drank it.

“How do you feel?” Snape questioned.

“It doesn-” I started.

“Shut up!” He said glaring at me.

I saw the girl flinch and sink to her knees. She gripped her head and I hurried up to help her.

“No,” Professor Snape said.

“No. you shut up,” Snape looked taken aback.

I turned to my potion with my wand and tapped it.


The potion turned to the the antidote. I quickly took the flask from her and filled it. I gave it to her which she took with a grateful sigh. She downed to contents in a minute. After she had stopped shaking she stood up.

“That is the most vile thing in the world,” Was her final words before she turned back to her seat, her own potion a blue color.

“Excellent,” He said turning away. I stood up.

“From now on I test my own potions. Don’t you dare ever make someone else try them,”

“Are you telling me what to do?”

“I believe I am,”

“How dare you disrespect a teacher, would you like detention,”

“If I get to see your lovely face,” Sarcasm thick in my words.

“Sit back down right now, Miss Dearborn.”

“Whatever,” I turned walking back to my seat.

“Oh and Miss Dearborn, don’t figure you are going to get special treatment around here. I believe I have already told you that,”

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