Chapter 23

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Your POV

"(Y/N) c'mon your gonna have to come out of your room sometime." You hear Dameon call from outside your bedroom "No I don't..." You say rolling onto your side. You've locked yourself in your room since last night "Yes you do, what if you need to use the bathroom?" He asks "I have a cup and a window, I'll be fine." You hear Dameon gag "Fine, I'll be home soon. I'll lie to Stein again and tell him that your sick." You nod as he leaves. As soon as he leaves you get up from under your covers, unlocking your door you walked out of your room. Not bothering to change your appearance much, you were in your pajamas plus an oversized hoodie, your (H/C) (H/L) hair messy along with the tears from the previous night dried on your face.

   You made yourself some breakfast as you sat down on the couch, sighing you began eating. Hearing a knock on the door you sighed loudly, you got up and looked through the peep hole seeing no one there, you opened the door and felt something rub up against your leg. Jumping you looked down "Hey there Pumpkin, I came to check on you." Blair says as she's in her cat form, you closed the door "I don't need anyone to check on me." You say walking back to the couch and sitting down. "Aw now, now, (Y/N). After what I heard happened it sounded like you needed someone-" "I don't need you Blair, no offense, but I need someone else, I need my sunshine. I need my Kid." You say leaning back on the couch, Blair sat next to you as she turned back into her human form(fully clothed thank god) "Well I think I might be able to help." She says smiling. You raise an eyebrow and look at her "I got a little something something that'll make everything better." She says taking her hat off and pulling out a little bottle filled with a hot pink liquid "How is this gonna help?" You ask as she puts her hat back on "Well let's just say it's a little thing that'll make everything better, just slip this into Kiddo's drink or something like that, and boom, your guy's relationship is saved!" She says smiling.

  "What dose it do?" You ask, knowing Blair she'd probably give you something that might screw up your relationship. "Just try it out, I've used it before and it's worked. Trust me Pumpkin." She says as she gets up "Alright, when do you suppose I use this on him?" You ask tilting your head "Hmm.....I'd say about a little later after he gets out of school, now if I remember correctly the girls are gonna be out so it's just gonna be you and him. Which will be great! No Liz, no Patty, and especially no Soul! Because of what he did his nose is actually dryer than a desert(*Que. nosebleeds*) because he hasn't been getting to see these." She says holding her breasts. You sweatdrop and nod "Thank you Blair..." You say as she nods getting ready to leave "And tell me all about what happens!" She shouts as she closes the door.

  You stare down at the bottle with a questionable look tilting your head "This thing better not do anything weird...but should I use it?" You ask thinking about the possibilities of what the potion would do "I just hope it'll fix everything." You say as you get up and begin planning on when your gonna get there and what your gonna say to Kid.

~Flying mint bunny timeskip, still your POV~

  Dameon came home a while after school ended "(Y/N)! I'm home!" He shouts as he walks in and closes the door behind him. You nod from the living room as he walks in "Wow, you actually came out of your room." He says "Yeah. Also, I'm going to try and fix everything with Kid." "Wow, out of your room and talking with Kid? You've gotten far today." You playfully hit his arm as he snickers "You know I'm playing with you." He says ruffling your hair.

"Also I'm gonna be out too-" "Oooo with who? Oh is it Maka?" You ask smiling playfully, he blushes "No, of course not. Okay maybe we're going out to do things that guys and girl friends do together, like, well you know-" "Loose your V-card?" You ask smirking, his blush becomes darker as he stares at you for a while. He then walks away towards his bedroom "I need to go think about a few things." He says as you begin laughing, as he closed his bedroom door you sneakily walked towards the door and listened "Oh god...Should I ask her out? I mean we're already going to do stuff as it is. Should I just make a move?" He groans "God I don't know..."

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