Chapter Thirteen

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Y'all ready for this? *cool shades emoji*

Chapter Thirteen

     "Look mate," Louis said with an edge to his tone, "I don't know why you're calling Victoria's phone but-" He paused, looked over at me and his blue eyes turned three shades darker as he listened to the person on the other end, "What do you mean she called you?" He spat out.

"Louis," I breathed out. "Please, let me just talk to him."

"No." He mouthed to me, continuing to listen to what the person was saying. Louis nodded a couple times but looked everywhere but at me during the phone call. After a couple of mumbled responses on Louis' end they hung up with one another.

"Louis," I started after him as he got up from my bed. He threw my phone at me, missing my face by a couple of inches. I heard it clatter to the floor on the other side of my bed. I mentally screamed at him. Does he know how long it took me to save for that shitty phone!?

"Don't fucking talk to me," He opened the door to my bedroom, "I can't believe you went behind my back like that." He walked out of my room in a rush, shaking his head on the way out.

Following suit, I didn't care at this point if we woke up Tiffany with my screaming and Louis' swearing. I was done handling this like an adult - if Louis' wants to act like I cheated on him when we aren't even dating then so be it.

"I called Zayn." Louis was busy grabbing his things from around the living room - his socks, his shoes, his wallet and his phone. He sat down on the couch with his socks clutched in his hand and scoffed.

"I know, thanks."

I closed my eyes, leaned against the wall beside me in the hallway and pinched the bridge of my nose with my thumb and index finger. "You want to know why? Because Harry's in critical condition in Australia. He was ran over by a bloody car, Louis! I didn't know who else to call! Niall and Liam's numbers aren't in my phone anymore since I got my new phone a couple years back. Zayn's number was saved to my SIM card and re-appeared on my contact list, I just never deleted it. I couldn't." I let out a long breath and sighed, "I just don't understand what the big deal is."

"The big deal is that bloody fucker left long before One Direction officially broke up." He stopped putting his sock on and looked over at me. "The things he did to us - I'll never forget. I may have had a drug problem - but he's done much worse." He looked over at me, "You went behind my back by calling him. That's one of the worse things you could have done."

I rolled my eyes and sneered at Louis. "May have had a drug problem?"

"You're missing the entire point I'm trying to make here!"

I threw my hands up in defeat. "I didn't go behind your back! He was my friend at one point too!"

Louis rolled his eyes. "You left before you could see the side of him that we did."

"I left because I had to."

"You didn't have to."

"Jesus," I mumbled, "You're impossible."

Louis stood up and pointed at me. "And you're testing my fucking patience Victoria."

"Yeah well you've been testing mine since you reappeared in my life."

"You know what," Louis shook his head and slid his feet into his shoes that were beside the coffee table, "I'm done."

"That's it?" I folded my arms under my chest, "You don't care about Harry? You guys were two peas in a pod - the best of friends." I shook my head at him in distaste, he was acting like when a child didn't get their way. "You chased after me for five years, but yet you won't chase after your best friend?"

He Wasn't a Jerk In The End (He Wasn't a Jerk #4)Where stories live. Discover now