Your Pregnant (Grayson)

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You have missed 2 of your periods and you start to get a bit anxious, you have missed one before, well not really but it came late and you got 2 in the same month. But this time it was not the case. You hadn't gotten your period for 2 months. You have felt sick so you thought that you should've gotten it by now.

You call up Grayson worried, "Hey baby" say says as he answers the phone, there was a bit of a pause "Whats wrong" He asks you, "Can you please come over" you ask him "Yeah sure, be there in a dash"

In about 5 minutes you hear a knock at the door, It was Grayson. You pull down your top and fix your hair nervously before opining the door. You walk to the door and open it. Grayson greets you with a hug and kiss.
"What's going on?" He asks you, "umm we need to talk" you say to him as you sit down on the couch and tap the seat next to you. "Have I don't something wrong?" He asks you, "no baby, ohh god no" you say back to him laughing slightly. "Okay so, I have missed 2 of my periods" you say to him nervously, he just sits there and looks at you for a minute and there was silence. "Umm, okay. Have you done a test yet?" Grayson asks you, "no I haven't", "okay let's go to the store and get a whole heap" Grayson says getting of the couch and puts his hand out for you to grab it. 

He drives you to the store, as soon as you walk in a grab the tests (there were like 10) you felt sick in the tummy, You ran off the the bathrooms and left Grayson to pay for them, when you got to the toilet you were sick. You were in there for about 5 minutes before you came out. Grayson was waiting outside the toilets for you. "Are you okay" he asks you as he puts his hand around your hips.  

Once you get home you drink a lot of Sunny D, once you need to pee you go to the toilet and take the tests with you. Once you come out of the bathroom and walk into the lounge room Grayson sits up. "We still have to wait 2 minutes" You say to him as you sit down next to him on the couch nervously. You keep shacking the test and after 2 minutes, you pass it to Grayson. You want him to look first, You look at it, and he grins. "WERE HAVING A BABY!" Grayson says jumping off the couch and you get up and jump onto him and rap your legs around him. You and Grayson are so happy to be having a baby together, but not quite sure about how the parents will take it. 

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