Shakespeare- Being Grateful

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Ok. I hope this isn't too short. >.< I tend to make these things to short. But I try not to.  >.>

Also the story's plot line (I just made the thing into a short story) is in the Credits underneath my name.

Anyway tell me what you think. :)  Vote, comment, follow, bla bla bla.  ^^




 Shakespeare and to LifeChurch-

(Also I really couldn't find a song for this. ^^"  But I'll keep looking. :) )

Here is it.


The days always started like they always did everyday. I would shower, brush my teeth, and dressed into my uniform. You see I worked as a waiter at a really good restaurant. It was really good, because it was well know for its delicious foods and its many famous people who came by.

I'm always thankful for having this job. It pays well for my school funds and food. We all need to eat and go to school to get smarter. So I'm pretty thankful for not being homeless or not knowing what the difference between three cents and three dollars are. I mean, I'd probably get ripped off a lot.

As I enter the restaurant, the familiar scents of herbs and spices greeted me. I then noticed something strange looking around. Something different. I scan around again, but this time I look at the faces and listen to bits of the conversations. One of the conversations out of all the rest catches my attention. Maybe it because they were whispering with excited expressions on their faces.

Well whatever it was I instantly started serving and taking orders of people that were close to the people I wanted to hear. That's also another reason to be grateful I thought smiling to myself. You heard things some others didn't. As I got closer I saw that one of the people chatting was in-fact my own manager!

This beckoned me even more that I almost slammed into boiling hot water a fellow employee/chef was carrying towards the kitchen. He sputtered a few french words at me at least I think they were french and scrambled away even faster. I didn't pay much attention to his outburst as I got even closer.

When I was close enough I set a platter down that I didn't even realize I was carrying and served a person slower than I would regularly. I was in hearing distance. "And I was like really?!" my managers thick accent said booming over other people. He wasn't the quietest person on the universe.

"Yes! Yes! He's here!" a female's voice called over my managers voice. Her accent had me a bit confused for a while. I wondered if it was french or German. If there's even a difference. I mused to myself. I mean aren't they pretty much the same accents? Or are they the same? Does it even make a difference? I wondered in my own thoughts again.

Then I recalled her words and my ear twitched as it tried to hear more. "A famous person is here at this restaurant!" her voice squealed causing me to have an image of a old women jumping up and down as if she were five again. It was a pretty funny image. So funny I almost spilled the plate of food onto my customer. Oops.

I quickly searched around looking for the famous person. I mean who wouldn't? My eyes nearly popped out of my sockets as they landed on Shakespeare! My feet moved accordingly and I was at his table in an instant. Famous people, good pay, get to meet new people, and get to eat great food sometimes! What does this job not have?

Shakespeare looked at my grinning face and asked one question. “Why are you smiling so much?” he asked with curiosity in his gaze as I just smiled even more. Answering I said, “Sir, it is because I am so thankful that I get to serve food in this restaurant.” "How is serving food be so thankful?” Shakespeare asked with puzzled face.

I, the waiter answered, “By serving food, I get to serve important people like you.  I have been waiting a long time for an opportunity like this.” after taking a breath I continued. "Also I get paid well, the money helps with my house and school funds, I get to eat some of the food here, and I have made many wonderful friends."

I grinned from ear to ear from listing things to Shakespeare. I was glad he took interest in my answers. "Isn't that enough?" I asked wondering why he would think that I wasn't happy.


Shakespeare after pondering what the wise waiter had said came up with a conclusion about everyone.

There are 3 kinds of people in the world: 1) those who are ungrateful even if there are plenty of things to be thankful for; 2) those who are thankful only when there are good things take place; and 3) those who are thankful always even in midst of challenges and difficulties in life.

If we pause and think about it, it’s not that we have no reasons to be grateful but we forget to be grateful for the blessings we have received.



I hope my stories are reaching you in ways that I'm not able to. I hope you understand the moral of this and continue to live life and be grateful.

If you haven't even thought about this then I'll trll you what a wise friend of mine once said.

"There's always time to start what no one else has."

-Kity123 <3

(P.S The Story's plot-line is in the external link if your interested. :)

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