Nightmare soda by chanel

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I sat up quickly. It took all I had not to start sobbing. Soda stirred. Aw shit, I must have woken him up.

"You okay?" he asked sleepily.

I nodded but he saw the look on my face. He must have instantly known it was clearly not okay.

"Come on." he whispered. We both slipped out of the bed gently, trying not to wake Pony up. He lead me outside and onto the porch. He then aided me in getting on the roof.

"What happened?" he asked softly.

"Bad dream"

"Want to talk about it?"

"It was about Johnny and Dally at first. Once Dally was gone, everyone went. One by one. First Pony, then Darry, then Two Bit, then Steve, then you. I just, I cant handle loosing you too Soda. I cant do it."

Soda pulled me into his chest where I sobbed heavily for the next five minutes.

"We're not goin anywhere Doll. No where."

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