Let's Play Pretend

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Fuck Author's notes, here you go, you guys deserve it:


Eridan and I stopped walking when we arrived in front of the doors to the cafeteria. It was crowded, as usual. Everyone segregated into their own clique, sitting in their socially assigned seat. I took one quick sweep around to make sure Sollux was there and spotted him almost instantly.

"Okay, good, there he is," I turned around to face Eridan to be met by his stare. I shifted uncomfortably in a subconscious effort to prevent his eyes from burning through my skull. "Are you ready, Ampora?"

Eridan blinked a few times before responding, "As ever, Vantas." He gave me a smirk for what seemed like the hundredth time today and gestured his hand forward in a theatrical manor as if to say 'Onward!'

This gesture was quickly interrupted by me playfully punching his arm, maybe a bit too forcefully, seeing as a small whimper from him responded to the contact.

"Alright then, let's get this show on the road..." I took a deep breath and few steps forward before falling into a steady pace forward.

Sollux sat up a bit straighter when he saw me, in order to be at a height where I could see him waving. Aradia waved just after, flashing her knowing smile. Sorry guys, I thought. I'm gonna have to give you a little spook.

I took one last deep breathe to 'get into character' before taking the step towards which there is no return.

That was when I saw her.

Terezi was standing amongst the crowd smiling at me. My gut felt like someone had grabbed it and pulled down as hard as they could.

No, no, not now please Terezi.

I shut my eyes tightly and shook my head as if I could shake out this hallucination. I felt myself sweating and opened my eyes again to see her still standing there in the same place. With the same sad smile. I pulled my gaze away from her in a panic. She's not real She's not real She's not real. Then, another one stood up by a different table.

"Of course I'm real Karkat." Another one stood just to my right. One after another, people in the cafeteria began to change into Terezi.

"I'm your sister.    I miss you Karkat.    Do you miss me?    Why don't we talk anymore, Karkles?    Don't you remember me?    Hey, Karks!    I love you little bro." Terezi's voice echoed all around me filling up my head until tears threatened to escape my eyes. 

"Karkat." My sister stood directly in front of me, her hand caressing my face. It felt real. It felt so real and I hated my self for taking comfort in it.

"Terezi..." I barely spoke in a whisper as I reached my hand up to touch hers.

"Karkles, why did you do it? Why did you let me die?" The soft, loving face that was plastered on her face only moments ago had changed into a look of contempt. I took a few steps away from her.

All of the other embodiments of my sister suddenly followed suit with the one standing in front of me. The cafeteria erupted into a chorus of, "Your fault"s and "Save me"s. I couldn't take it. Some were angrily running towards me and vanishing just before reaching me. Some, shouting things like, "I hate you!" And, "Why didn't you save me, Karkat!" Others, just screaming.

I shut my eyes once more, trying to block out the chaos unfolding around me. They are not real. You are hallucinating.

But of course it didn't help. The sounds of my dead sister's anguish and disgust continued around me, I could even feel hands prying at me now.

Just as I felt like my head was about to explode, everything went silent, even the cafeteria.

 Slowly, everything around me was getting darker. I was left only with the feeling of falling and guilt as I lost consciousness.

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